effect of salinity on freshwater fish

effect of salinity on freshwater fish

Using the same nets, we also sampled large (>1 mm) macroinvertebrates potentially predators from each submerged plant module and each open site module, hereafter called “free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators”. Copyright: © 2012 Brucet et al. Salinity refers to the salt content of water. fish and free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators). No, Is the Subject Area "Community structure" applicable to this article? Yes Taxon richness of plant-associated macroinvertebrates was also higher in the cold temperate region, average richness being 2-fold higher than in the Mediterranean region (Table 3, Fig. Most taxon groups were negatively related to salinity and fish density, except Coleoptera and Heteroptera, which were only related to salinity, Malacostraca, which was only related to fish density, and Odonata and Polychaeta, which were not related to either salinity or fish density. The effects of salinity on the community structure of macroinvertebrates are, however, less clear. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0030877.g004. When assessing each plant-associated macroinvertebrate taxon group separately, most taxa (7 out of 11) also showed higher abundances in the cold temperate region, except for Malacostraca and Polychaeta, which were more abundant in the Mediterranean region (Table 4), and Gastropoda and Odonata, which had similar densities in both regions. In both regions, most fish species were potential predators of macroinvertebrates [36], [38], [40] and had small body sizes, as demonstrated earlier in our experiment and published elsewhere (average standard length 3 cm in both climatic regions [3], and in another study of nutrient-rich brackish lakes [43]. Changes in salinity can affect biota in freshwater directly or indirectly. Wrote the paper: SB. Leading fish vet Chris Walster says: "Freshwater fish should be kept in freshwater, not any other. No, Is the Subject Area "Zooplankton" applicable to this article? Plant-associated macroinvertebrates density in black and richness in red (±1SE). Yes [3]. Funding: This study is a result of the project REFRESH funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme. We assessed whether the night-time densities of organisms differed compared to daytime (i.e. However, when assessing each lake separately (Fig. 4). This can be tested in the laboratory and based on the results obtained, breeding, larval rearing and production experiments should be carried out, using different salinity ranges as a major variable. Fish may also consume plant-associated macroinvertebrate grazers and indirectly enhance periphyton growth with cascading effects on plant growth and thus on water clarity, at least in temperate lakes [10]. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. We undertook day and night-time sampling of macroinvertebrates associated with the artificial plants and fish and free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators within artificial plants and in pelagic areas. here. 4). We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. The higher densities of Gastropoda, which are efficient grazers of periphyton [51], in some Mediterranean lakes compared to cold-temperate lakes could also promote the lower periphyton biomass in warm lakes. fishes The only taxa not related to salinity were Malacostraca, Odonata and Polychaeta, but the relative abundances of these taxon groups were low at all salinities. Although we could have expected higher periphyton biomass in warm lakes as a result of lower macroinvertebrate grazing (due to the impoverished plant-associated macroinvertebrate assemblages) and better growth conditions induced by the warm climate (i.e. M.M. Yes Is the Subject Area "Freshwater fish" applicable to this article? 4). Institute of Aquatic Ecology and Department of Environmental Sciences, Facultat de Ciències, University of Girona, Campus de Montilivi, Girona, Spain, Affiliation Recent studies have shown cold and warm shallow freshwater and brackish lakes have substantially different trophic structure and dynamics [1]–[3]. 5), plant-associated macroinvertebrates most frequently showed a reverse diel distribution to that of their potential predators (i.e. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0030877.g002, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0030877.g003, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0030877.t006. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0030877.t001. All necessary permits were obtained for the described field studies through the authority responsible at each location (the Natural Reserve Area of Vejlerne in Denmark and the Natural Park of Aiguamolls de l'Empordà in Spain). Modules were introduced one month before the sampling to allow colonisation of the plants by periphyton and invertebrates. Effects of Salinity on Growth and Survival of Channel Catfish, Ictalurus Punctatus (Rafinesque), ... had the best growth and survival in fresh water, 5 ppt salinity was a close second, and 10 ppt was a poor third. Our results showed marked differences in the trophic structure between cold and warm shallow lakes. We investigate the effect of pH on salinity tolerance in selected macroinvertebrates (Notalina fulva, Centroptilum sp. Region related differences were especially remarkable for the densities of free-swimming macroinvertebrates, being scarce in most Mediterranean lakes (Table 3, Fig. Fish and macroinvertebrates were preserved in 70% ethanol. In contrast to the plant-associated macroinvertebrate diel distribution, fish were more abundant within the plants during day (two-way ANOVA, interaction between ‘habitat’ and ‘time’ p<0.01) at 0.5 (Selbjerg) and 0.3 (Lund Fjord) and free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators at 0.5 (Selbjerg) (two-way ANOVA, interaction between ‘habitat’ and ‘time’ p<0.05) (Fig. Overall, the plant-associated macroinvertebrates were more abundant and the communities richer in species in the cold compared to the warm climate. Despite the lower densities of plant-associated macroinvertebrates in the Mediterranean lakes, periphyton biomass was lower than in cold temperate systems, a fact that was mainly attributed to grazing and disturbance by fish. Among other factors, many studies have reported an influence of water salinity on fish development and growth. [3] had previously suggested that the higher fish predation in Mediterranean compared to cold temperate shallow lakes was the main reason for the low density of zooplankton and dominance of small sizes in warmer lakes. Salinity effect on freshwater fishes experiment. However, in all cases where nested ANOVA was performed, there were also differences among lakes. Hind alsubeie ... salinities were noticeably more sluggish than fish in lower salinities or in fresh water. For fish and free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators we had 4 replicates for day and 4 for night-time at each submerged plant bed and open site. Denmark has a moist continental climate with milder summers and colder and wetter winters (average air temperature in the region where the lakes were located is 7.5–8.1°C). Odonata) that may indirectly affect fish predation pressure (via competition) or directly prey upon the plant-associated macroinvertebrates. In both regions, we selected permanent shallow lakes with similar total nutrient concentrations and salinities, ranging from 0.3 to 3.8 during the study period (Table 1). broad scope, and wide readership – a perfect fit for your research every time. Yes Both Spain and Denmark belong to the temperate mesothermal climate region, but they have different climates according to the Köppen Climate Classification System. Departamento de Ecología y Evolución, Centro Universitario Regional Este (CURE)-Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Maldonado, Uruguay, Affiliations Submitted to T: Alanood. Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. Brucet et al. The density of free-swimming macroinvertebrates increased with salinity only in the cold temperate region (Fig. was supported by the Uruguayan Programme for the Development of Basic Sciences (PEDECIBA) and the Uruguayan Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII) through the National System of Researchers (SNI) and project FCE 2749, and the national award for Women in Science ĹOréal-UNESCO Uruguay. Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Silkeborg, Denmark, “High salt levels may slow down their growth, which has negative effects on their survival and reproductive capacity.” In addition, potentially higher predation by small fish within the plants beds may influence the spatial distribution and diel movements of macroinvertebrates. Diptera was the dominant taxon in both regions; however it was more abundant in the cold temperate climate, as were most of the other plant-associated macroinvertebrate taxa. The sampling was repeated at night-time in the other half of the modules. Increases in salinity have been shown to cause shifts in biotic communities, limit biodiversity, exclude less-tolerant species and cause acute or chronic effects at specific life stages. The higher temperature at lower latitudes is associated with a shift to a fish community dominated by omnivorous fish, with higher specific metabolic and excretion rates, more frequent and earlier reproduction and smaller sizes than at higher latitudes [4]–[6]. For this purpose, we performed a field experiment with artificial plants (to control for habitat complexity) in eight shallow lakes in cold temperate (Denmark) and Mediterranean (Spain) regions. The effect of salinity on the solubility of dissolved gases is due to Henry’s Law; the constant used will changes based on salt ion concentrations 39. No, Is the Subject Area "Salinity" applicable to this article? Some brackish and saline lagoons might be capable of coping with slight increases in salinity since the organisms dominating these systems can tolerate varying salinities, and well-structured communities can be found at high salinities [53]. This has been attributed to a salinity-induced increase in the predation on large-bodied zooplankton and the loss of keystone species such as Daphnia, leading to dominance of smaller and less efficient grazer species [3], [16], [19]. We used a two-way nested ANOVA to test differences in plant-associated macroinvertebrates between regions and lakes. Climate warming may lead to changes in the trophic structure and diversity of shallow lakes as a combined effect of increased temperature and salinity and likely increased strength of trophic interactions. The data are means (±1SE) of data collected at day and night-time in four lakes in the cold temperate region and four lakes in the Mediterranean region. The only macroinvertebrate group more abundant at daytime was Malacostraca at 3.8 (Østerild) (one-way ANOVA, p<0.01). Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Silkeborg, Denmark, Affiliations Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. But opinions vary, and some research shows that even supposedly salt intolerant fish can adjust to very small levels of salt in their water. In the same lake, higher abundances of Diptera and Oligochaeta were also found at night-time (one-way ANOVA, p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively). Perfomed the lab measurements: SB D. Boix LWN. 5). We can furthermore not disregard potential effects of free-swimming invertebrate predators (e.g. Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. The richness and abundance of most plant-associated macroinvertebrate taxa decreased with salinity. However, available information about diel movement of macroinvertebrates is scarce. Fishes osmoregulate the salt concentration within their body through their gills, kidneys and intestines. • the major limiting factor affecting the survival of freshwater fishes is seawater and exposure to salinities greater than about 9% is Absence of efficient efficient branchial and renal mechanisms osmotic stress which increase osmotic pressure and deterioration of cell function … After approximately 12 hours, we sampled the fish from each submerged plant module and each open site module by quickly pulling the strings and lifting the net up above the water surface. However, there is little information on how the macroinvertebrate community responds to the potentially increased fish predation in warmer climates. We know that if we place freshwater fish in seawater that they will die sooner or later. Parasites in the fish intestines appear to be unaffected by changing water salinities, as the osmolarity in the intestines stays nearly constant. freshwater (0.3 salinity) to oligohaline waters (3.8 salinity). The condition index was never higher than 10 and tolerance never higher than 0.2, suggesting that multicollinearity between predictory variables was low. and Physa acuta—lethal effects only) and microinvertebrates (Paramecium caudatum and Hydra oligactis—lethal and sublethal effects). Effects of temperature and salinity on osmoregulation and growth of Atlantic salmon /Salmo salar L. smolts in seawater ... Salinity did not affect plasma chloride levels nor tissue moisture, and no interactions between ... ATPase activity was analysed from gill filaments collected from 12 fish in freshwater. No, Is the Subject Area "Lakes" applicable to this article? Most wild populations of freshwater fish and plants in the hobby come from rivers and lakes that have In the present study, we investigated the potential effects of contrasting temperature, salinity (along a short salinity gradient) and fish on the plant-associated macroinvertebrate community structure by comparing similar shallow lakes located in two regions of contrasting temperature regime with salinities corresponding to ca. Some invertebrates are very sensitive to salt, such as snails. With climate warming we can expect changes in the trophic structure and biodiversity of shallow lakes as a combined effect of increased temperature and salinity, the latter particularly in arid, semiarid and coastal areas [3], [17]. However, apart from region related differences, there were some significant differences among lakes within a region (significant effect of the factor lake in the nested ANOVA, Table 3). The discrimination between plant-associated and free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators was based on the sampling method, and not on the species traits. Commented on the manuscript: SB D. Boix LWN XDQ E. Jensen D. Balayla MM E.Jeppesen. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. We cut a 10-cm-long piece of each plant between 10 and 20 cm depth to determine the biomass of associated periphyton. Water, proteins and total free amino acids were estimated in different tissues of the euryhaline fish Tilapia mossambica after adaptation to various strenghts of sea water. The decline of the energy for adaptation caused by the increase of the salinity level in the medium has been demonstrated in several species of freshwater fish (Peterson & Maedor 1994). In the cold temperate lakes, free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators increased with salinity, which is in accordance with other studies reporting higher abundances of large pelagic macroinvertebrate predators (e.g. In the present study, we hypothesized that, due to higher fish densities in the warm climate, macroinvertebrate densities would be lower than in the cold climate and that macroinvertebrate richness would decrease with increasing salinity. Yes To assess differences in fish and free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators we used a three-way nested ANOVA, with ‘habitat’ (two levels, ‘S’ and ‘O’) as an additional factor. 1). PLoS ONE 7(2): Yes Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Silkeborg, Denmark, We estimated the density of fish and free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators per unit of area covered by the cylindrical net. 1). No, PLOS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, #C2354500, based in San Francisco, California, US, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0030877. Thus, the role of temperature-related changes in fish predation pressure seems a key factor potentially shaping both macroinvertebrate and zooplankton communities, as also seen in shallow freshwater lakes [1]. Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Silkeborg, Denmark, Plant-associated macroinvertebrates and free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators were more abundant and the communities richer in species in the cold compared to the warm climate, most probably as a result of differences in fish predation pressure. In Spain, the lakes were located in Catalonia, which has a semi-arid climate characterised by hot and dry summers and cool and wet winters (average air temperature 15–16°C). The mechanistic basis for this apparent salinity tolerance barrier is not known and represents an intriguing subject for further scientific inquiry. x. Other abundant taxa were Trichoptera and Malacostraca in the cold temperate region and Malacostraca and Oligochaeta in the Mediterranean region. Neomysis integer) at salinities above 0.5 [15], [48]. No, Is the Subject Area "Diptera" applicable to this article? Done by: Sumaiah Alghamdi https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0030877, Editor: Howard Browman, Institute of Marine Research, Norway, Received: September 12, 2011; Accepted: December 22, 2011; Published: February 29, 2012. In fact the recommended dose is multiple times what you would fine in the rift lakes, some of the hardest bodies of freshwater on the planet. Greenland Climate Research Centre (GCRC), Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Nuuk, Greenland, No, Is the Subject Area "Predation" applicable to this article? Plants were made of green plastic Christmas tree garlands, which have an architecture resembling that of Ceratophyllum or Myriophyllum spp., and with a local percent volume inhabited by plants of 49% (PVI, [27]; see picture in [9]). Fish density and composition showed no clear relationship with salinity and only in the Mediterranean region were the highest fish densities found at the highest salinity (Table 5, Fig. The higher abundance (density and biomass) of fish in the Mediterranean region and the negative relationship between fish and plant-associated macroinvertebrate densities suggest that a higher predation pressure might be the main cause for the lower density and richness of macroinvertebrates in warm lakes, opposite to theoretical expectations [42]. Salinity effect on freshwater The freshwater river inflow is the most critical process impacting on the salt wedge site Liu et al. In estuaries salinity oscillates between nearly 100% FW and 100% SW as a result of tidal cycles. The plant beds were introduced in the littoral zone of the lakes following the methodology described by Brucet et al. 1). We investigated the potential effects of temperature, salinity and fish on the plant-associated macroinvertebrate community by introducing artificial plants in eight comparable shallow brackish lakes located in two climatic regions of contrasting temperature: cold-temperate and Mediterranean. Submerged plants in warm brackish lakes did not seem to counteract the effect of fish predation on macroinvertebrates to the same extent as in temperate freshwater lakes, since small fish were abundant and tended to aggregate within the macrophytes. Thus, further studies are required to assess if the positive effects of the lower periphyton biomass may be counteracted by the lower grazing on phytoplankton. Fish biomass in fresh weight. PLOS ONE promises fair, rigorous peer review, 4) and they occurred in higher abundances within the plants than at open sites (significant effect of habitat in the nested ANOVA, Table 3, Fig. Yes The experiment was conducted in late May and early June in Spain and in July in Denmark. 1). Once the rains are past and the fresh water flow diminishesthe salinity rises in the estuary causing shifting of habitats within it by various faunal species, particularly the highly mobile fishes.Estuaries perform crucial roles in the life cycles of many fish 1). Diel changes in density of fish and free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators between submerged plants (S, black) and open sites (O, red). There is also emerging evidence that trophic structure changes along a salinity gradient [3], [15]–[17]. Diptera was the most abundant plant-associated macroinvertebrate taxon in both regions, closely followed by Oligochaeta in the cold temperate lakes (Table 4). Macroinvertebrate richness was calculated as the sum of taxa in each treatment. Diel distribution patterns were analysed using a one-way ANOVA [factor time, two levels (‘D’ and ‘N’)] in each lake for plant-associated macroinvertebrates and a two-way ANOVA [factor time, two levels (‘D’ and ‘N’) and factor habitat, two levels (‘S’ and ‘O’)] in each lake for fish and free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators. The experiment was carried out in 4 cold temperate shallow coastal lakes located in the north of Denmark and in 4 Mediterranean shallow coastal lakes located in north-east Spain. In conclusion, our experiment showed marked differences in the richness and abundance of macroinvertebrate communities between cold and warm shallow brackish lakes most probably as a result of differences in fish predation pressure. At salinity ranges from 1 to 3, macroinvertebrate assemblages exhibit reduced species richness and abundance and a change in species composition [20], [21]. influx of fresh water. Salinity can vary from less than 0.7 in freshwater (FW) rivers and lakes, to 33 in seawater (SW), or even higher in hypersaline waters from salt lakes, tidal pools or salt marshes (> 50; Gonzalez, 2012). 4). This movement was apparently stronger in the lake with the highest fish densities among the plants. No, Is the Subject Area "Fresh water" applicable to this article? here. Sino-Danish Educational and Research Centre, Beijing, China. Only plant-associated Malacostraca and Polychaeta had higher densities in the warm climate. Some hobbyists religiously use salt in fresh-water set-ups. For more details on the limnological characteristics of the lakes see [3]. As for zooplankton, the decrease in the abundance of plant-associated macroinvertebrate grazers at higher temperatures may have implications for the ecological status of lakes since it may enhance periphyton growth and indirectly promote the turbid water state by outshading macrophytes [13]. For example, when exposed to high salinity conditions, individuals of the tropical freshwater fish oscar Astronotus ocellatus survived longer at 28°C than at 18°C . To identify relationships between plant-associated macroinvertebrate community structure and salinity and the density of potential predators (fish) we used multiple regression. We thank S. Gascón, J. Sala, J. Compte, P. Hospital, J. Puig, A. Ruhí, N. S. Laursen, D. A. Christiansen, L. Thuesen, T. Skov, F. K. Yousfi, N. Christiansen, B. Birkeland, and C. Katborg for assistance in the field, the staff of the National Environmental Research Institute and C. Conchillo for technical and analytical assistance, and T. Christensen, J. Jacobsen and A. M. Poulsen for editorial assistance. These are freshwater fish that have adapted to freshwater, not salted. In general, fish thrive in an intermediate specific gravity of 1.023 to 1.025. Significant differences were found in the density and richness of the plant-associated macroinvertebrate communities in shallow brackish lakes between the cold temperate and the Mediterranean climatic regions. We counted, measured and identified fish to species level and we indicated if they typically consume macroinvertebrates and periphyton according to the literature [33]–[40]. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0030877.t005. [11] found the fish effect to depend strongly on the diet of the species involved. We estimated periphyton biomass as chlorophyll-a concentration according to Jespersen and Christoffersen [41]. Each module consisted of 100 artificial plants (length 0.75 m) which were held at the surface by two strings attached to two poles. In Mediterranean brackish lakes, the lower periphyton biomass likely leads to reduced shading and nutrient and carbon competition with the host plants, which may eventually increase the chances of the submerged plants developing at higher turbidity levels than in comparable temperate lakes. Nevertheless, the relative abundances of the different plant-associated macroinvertebrate taxa showed no clear trend with the salinity gradient. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. These environments differ from marine conditions in many ways, the most obvious being the difference in levels of salinity. Bierhuizen and Prepas[4] found a significant What is the latest fashion-Genetic Engineering, No public clipboards found for this slide. "We have no idea of what effect placing freshwater fish in salted water has from a welfare perspective. In temperate lakes, where fish tended to aggregate within the macrophytes during day, some plant-associated macroinvertebrate taxa were generally more abundant at night than during the day, which suggests that they moved to the plants during night when fish (and also free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators) densities were lower there. Performed the experiments: SB D. Boix LWN E. Jensen XDQ D. Balayla. This means the effects of pesticide exposure on invertebrates can be predicted, and, in turn, the food source of freshwater fish is protected. Heteroptera and Coleoptera were the only plant-associated invertebrates for which salinity, but not fish, had a significant effect on density. Effects of Ammonia on Fish November 2010 For By Stuart M. Levit, MS, JD ... or the salinity of the water. As independent variables we used salinity and mean density of fish per habitat. This means that, on average, seawater has a lower dissolved oxygen concentration than freshwater sources. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0030877.t002. In emphasising the impact that salinity levels can have on freshwater lake ecosystems, Jeppesen and colleagues state that “when the salinity increase is high (e.g. 1. The effects of temperature on salinity tolerance of blue catfish, though not investigated in this study, could also influence the predictions in this study. To obtain a similar habitat structure and complexity in both regions and in all lakes we used artificial plants mimicking submerged plants. The density of plant-associated macroinvertebrates was significantly higher in the cold temperate region than in the Mediterranean region (Table 3, Fig. However, this pattern was not found in Mediterranean shallow lakes, most likely as a result of the higher fish predation pressure in these lakes, although we cannot fully rule out other factors as taxa of free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators differed. The richness and abundance of most plant-associated macroinvertebrate taxa decreased with salinity. In larger fish, salinity is also a key factor in controlling growth. For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click A total of 40 macroinvertebrate taxa occurred in the cold temperate lakes, whereas only 20 taxa were found during sampling in the Mediterranean lakes (Table 2). For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click a significant effect of ‘time’ in the ANOVA, suggesting diel movement). It is often measured in terms of specific gravity, or the amount of dissolved salt. 3). The plant beds consisted of 1 m diameter plastic rings with an attached net from which the artificial plants hung (hereafter modules). Several studies ... chronic freshwater ammonia based on pH and temperature when early life stages of fish are present; and chronic freshwater ammonia based on … The abundance of most plant-associated macroinvertebrate taxa decreased with salinity, although no differences were found in the relative abundance of the different groups. The higher densities of small fish, which tend to aggregate among the macrophytes [5], often exert a high predation pressure on the zooplankton and thus reduce grazing on phytoplankton, with implications for the clear water state of warm shallow lakes [7]–[9]. The lower periphyton biomass found in our Mediterranean brackish lakes might be attributed to the direct (feeding) or indirect (physical disturbance) activity by the fish. The differences between regions were especially remarkable for free-swimming macroinvertebrates, which were almost absent in the Mediterranean, and for total macroinvertebrate richness, which was two-fold higher in the cold temperate climate than in the Mediterranean. Thus, zooplankton have been shown to migrate to deeper layers or into submerged plants during the day as a result of the tradeoffs between predation risk, food availability and oxygen concentration (reviewed by [14]). In the same experiment, we found zooplankton size structure and composition to be highly affected by fish predation [3]. Thus, a species of macroinvertebrate potentially predator may appear in both categories (see also Table 2 for details). Only in the cold temperate region at salinity 1.2 (Glombak) and 3.8 (Østerild) did similar fish densities occur in the two habitats (Fig. In the Mediterranean region, the density of free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators was very low at all four salinities (Fig. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. * E-mail: sandra.brucet-balmana@jrc.ec.europa.eu, Affiliations Some studies have shown that Crustacea are the most salinity tolerant of the major invertebrate taxon groups [22], [23], whereas Ephemeroptera are among the least tolerant invertebrates [24], [25]. If you’re using zeolite to reduce the ammonia levels in your freshwater tank, the effect can be reversed during a salt treatment. Modules were placed at 0.8 m depth in the littoral zone of the lakes.

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