minecraft why do my animals keep disappearing
Now, keep in mind that I'm pretty much an EMC newbie, but I can't resist anyway (considering how Ocelots are my favorite pet too). Now; here is where the newbie'ism comes in; I can't be sure if this will also apply for this server, but figured I'd mention it anyway. They still seem to get out but it dosent matter due to the fact that I have so many! 10 of my wolves "died" like this.... they only lasted for about a day. My goal was to display most (if not all) mobs in the game. It seems like whenever I go underground or explore the world or anything really, I come back and I have no sheep. I've had a similar experience on Bedrock PE. They're in a relatively large area (probably around 20x10 blocks) surrounded by a fence with torches every where to keep hostile mobs from spawning in their enclosure. Report it on the bug tracker if it still happens without any plugin (and on the latest build). There is no way for them to escape it... so how are they disappearing!?? Recently I build a kind of a zoo in my single player MineCraft world. Hopefully it'll … I have recently changed the fences from one block high to two. From a few days ago I am noticing that animals that are locked up are disappearing. In my Vanilla 1.6.2, I have a pen with 6 cows and a pen with 6 chickens, both made from wooden fences. Specifically my cow, sheep and pig were … save. Minecraft’s AI Pathfinding. This seemed to never have really happened before the new Nether update. It's like every time I open my world a varying amount of animals disappear regardless of being named, attached to leads, or within a 20 block area. In most euclidean videogames, this is all fine and dandy. I dont have a problem with my animals disappearing but my chickens do escape from my fenced in area though. After every 64 blocks that is made an animal disappears making more room to build. Because neither the Minecraft server not CB/Spigot should despawn mobs with nametags. Another way to prevent a mob from despawning is to name it with a nametag. The first and most obvious reason behind your dolphins despawning is that you might not have given them a name. :tongue.gif: AI Pathfinding is the method in which an NPC (non-player character) is programmed to map out paths that it should take in order to achieve a final objective. Why do my animals keep disappearing? Minecraft Dolphin Despawn. If it does (and it's not a plugin) that this sounds like a bug and should be fixed. The animals are supposed to disappear when you leave the game Minecraft. Basically, I keep them in a small dirt pen before I log off. I do not see animals die itself, when I go anywhere and then I return, I see that some animals have died. Some people get unlucky, and their dog somehow suicides by walking into cactus, lava, etc. I came back one day and found that two of my cows were wandering outside the pen, despite the pen being an adequate size and sealed properly with the gate closed. MC-160224 Pets mysteriously disappearing while exploring then Minecraft saying "(blank, pet) suffocated in a wall" Resolved MC-160302 My friends horse dissapeard Until you’ve given a friendly mob a name, they’ll just despawn and disappear once you go far away enough from them. Resolved; BDS-1295 Tamed horse despawned. Each mob is named using a name tag to prevent despawning and each mob is placed in their own cage (a well lit, 5x5x5 blocks room). However, sometimes my wolves just DISAPPEAR. My sheep keep disappearing.
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