pokémon sacred gold item locations
This particular document explores two main types of items: TMs, of which there have been many swaps, and evolution items, which have all been shifted to be available prior to the initial Elite Four. My recommendatation is to wait for a swarm and go there. TM73 Thunder Wave: Obtained from Volkner in Olivine Lighthouse. TM10 Hidden Power: Received as a reward in the Ruins of Alph for capturing 7 different types of Unown. Where do i find it? Random and buyable items are not listed. 1 Welcome to Pokemon Gaia 2 Currently Under Construction 2.1 TM List 2.2 Walkthrough 2.3 Key Items 2.4 Item Locations 2.5 Pokemon Locations 2.6 Changed Evolutions 3 Navigation 4 Latest activity Welcome to the Pokemon Gaia wiki. Night: Raticate (20%), Ponyta (20%), Elekid (10%), Mankey (10%), Voltorb (10%), Meowth (10%), Farfetchâd (5%), Miltank (5%), Tauros (5%), Skitty (5%) Meridian Sound: Rapidash, Primeape Pastoral Sound: Skitty, Cherubi, Wild Levels: N/A Surf: Tentacool (65%), Wingull (30%), Tentacruel (5%) Old Rod: Magikarp (95%), Staryu (5%) Good Rod: Magikarp (60%), Staryu (30%), Chinchou (10%) Super Rod: Staryu (60%), Chinchou (30%), Lanturn (5%), Gyarados (5%), Wild Levels: 25 â 35 Surf: Wingull (60%), Tentacool (30%), Pelipper (5%), Tentacruel (3%), Phione (2%) Old Rod: Magikarp (60%), Tentacool (40%) Good Rod: Staryu (60%), Finneon (35%), Corsola (5%) Super Rod: Finneon (60%), Corsola (30%), Lumineon (10%), Wild Levels: 25 â 35 Surf: Wingull (60%), Mantyke (30%), Mantine (5%), Tentacruel (3%), Phione (2%) Old Rod: Magikarp (60%), Tentacool (30%), Horsea (10%) Good Rod: Wailmer (60%), Horsea (30%), Chinchou (5%), Corsola (5%) Super Rod: Seadra (60%), Corsola (30%), Lanturn (7%), Wailord (3%), Wild Levels: N/A Rock Smash: Shuckle (90%), Kingler (10%) Surf: Wingull (60%), Tentacool (30%), Pelipper (5%), Tentacruel (5%) Old Rod: Magikarp (60%), Carvanha (40%) Good Rod: Carvanha (60%), Clamperl (40%) Super Rod: Carvanha (60%), Clamperl (30%), Sharpedo (10%), Wild Levels: 41 â 45 * Not accessible without Waterfall. TM13 Ice Beam: Also found in Ice Path. TM02 Dragon Claw: Removed from Route 26; now only available in Goldenrod lottery. TM74 Gyro Ball: No change. A Hidden Machine, or HM for short, is an item that works like a Technical Machine (TM) in that it can teach your Pokémon a new move. Give you walkthrough, cheat codes for Pokemon Game! Pokemon Gaia is a Fire Red ROM hack created by Spherical Ice. You will get all items, medicine, key items, mail, battle items, tms a.. RED's Pokemon Team 100% Accurate Hey,I recently used a code for RED's Team, but found it was extremely .. TM58 Endure: No change. Jul 20th, 2013. Main article: Sacred Ash (Flashfire 96) Sacred Ash was introduced as an Item card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English XY Series (the Japanese XY Era). It is a well-worn belt that slightly boosts the power of supereffective moves. Night: Quagsire (20%), Houndoom (20%), Rapidash (20%), Magneton (10%), Kangaskhan (10%), Sandslash (10%), Arbok (10%) Meridian Sound: Jumpluff Pastoral Sound: Granbull Surf: Buizel (93%), Floatzel (7%) Old Rod: Luvdisc (100%) Good Rod: Luvdisc (100%) Super Rod: Luvdisc (60%), Lanturn (35%), Tentacruel (5%), [ 1F ] Wild Levels: 44 â 46 Cave: Golbat (20%), Graveler (20%), Rhydon (10%), Ursaring (10%), Donphan (10%), Marowak (10%), Steelix (10%), Bronzong (10%) Meridian Sound: Crobat, Golem Pastoral Sound: Chimecho, Marowak, [ 2F ] Wild Levels: 44 â 46 Cave: Machoke (20%), Hariyama (20%), Golbat (10%), Lairon (10%), Loudred (10%), Graveler (10%), Medicham (5%), Magneton (5%), Venomoth (5%), Kadabra (5%) Meridian Sound: Exploud, Aggron Pastoral Sound: Chimecho, Marowak, [ 3F ] Wild Levels: 45 â 46 Cave: Donphan (20%), Ursaring (20%), Golbat (10%), Lairon (10%), Mawile (10%), Sableye (10%), Gabite (5%), Magneton (5%), Metang (5%), Kadabra (5%) Rock Smash: Graveler (90%), Nosepass (10%) Meridian Sound: Alakazam, Aggron Pastoral Sound: Chimecho, Marowak, Wild Levels: 27 â 53 Surf: Wingull (95%), Pelipper (5%) Swarm: Lanturn Old Rod: Tentacool (100%) Good Rod: Tentacool (67%), Chinchou (30%), Shellder (3%) Super Rod: Tentacruel (60%), Shellder (33%), Lanturn (7%) Rock Smash: Krabby (90%), Shuckle (10%), Wild Levels: 15 â 63 Cave: Diglett (80%), Hippopotas (10%), Dugtrio (10%) Meridian Sound: Hippowdon Pastoral Sound: Dunsparce, Wild Levels: 45 â 48 Grass, Morning / Day: Pidgeotto (25%), Kadabra (25%), Raticate (20%), Weepinbell (20%), Cherrim (10%) Grass. Pokémon Sacred Gold & Storm Silver | Page 93 NDS - ROM Hacking and Translations; Home; Forums. Top posts march 4th ⦠TM87 Swagger: No change. Bicycle. Protector: Found in the first room of Victory Road. Woodland Ore: Received from Sprout Tower’s head sage; found in an item ball in Ilex Forest. Night: Meowth (20%), Luxio (20%), Magnemite (10%), Mankey (10%), Voltorb (10%), Elekid (10%), Farfetchâd (5%), Miltank (5%), Tauros (5%), Skitty (5%) Meridian Sound: Dodrio, Electabuzz Pastoral Sound: Skitty, Cherubi Swarm: Farfetchâd, Wild Levels: 27 â 28 Grass, Morning / Day: Raticate (20%), Ponyta (20%), Elekid (10%), Mankey (10%), Voltorb (10%), Cherubi (10%), Farfetchâd (5%), Miltank (5%), Tauros (5%), Pidgeotto (5%) Grass. If you're referring to "key item locations" pdf,I can't find it there. Anyways, I have completed a Nuzlocke of Sacred Gold (like all the way to Red) and it was super fun, but the hours and hours I spent on grinding was not fun at all. Details for the Pokémon item Sacred Ash, including added effects and where to find it. Dragon Scale: Also obtainable in Blackthorn City’s Pokémon Center as a gift. TM83 Natural Gift: Removed from Goldenrod Mart. In Once in a Mawile, a Water Stone belonging to Samantha appeared; Brock's Lombre used it to evolve into Ludicolo.This is the first time that a main character's Pokémon evolved via an Evolution stone onscreen. Where are the locations where you can find Suicuine in Heart Gold? Sacred Gold/Storm Silver Pokemon Changes. DeepSeaTooth: Also hidden on the beach on Route 47, closer to the Cliff Cave exit. As long as you know the exact location of an item, you can face the spot and press the "A" button to get the item. TM39 Rock Tomb: No change. Guides; Cinnabar Island Gym Pokémon Quiz Answers In Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu! Voltaic Ore: Found in Route 42, by the apricorn trees; found past the whirlpool on Route 27. The cheats below also referred to as Action Replay codes, and it includes the most commonly used cheats such as Walk Through Walls, Rare Candy, Shiny Wild Pokemon ⦠: There’s a woman in the Goldenrod Magnet Train station who will give you the relevant item when you show her the Pokémon who the item correlates to (e.g. How's it going guys FullMetalMaster here with a bit of a tutorial video on how to randomize your Pokémon storm silver and sacred Gold ROMs! All changes (bar Evolutions, which have their own document) are listed in here, ... + Item Rate: Heart Scale (50% 100%) + Base Experience: 110 141 #371 Bagon TM86 Grass Knot: Obtainable from Gardenia in Ilex Forest; buyable at Goldenrod Dept. 15 Hidden Locations In Pokémon Gold And Silver Only Experts Found. They may be underlevelled! Gold Berry: Allows attached Pokémon to automatically recover up to 30 HP in battle. Shiny Stone: Battle Frontier entrance*; buyable in Blackthorn. you don't need to trade to get all the Pokemon). Sacred Ash can be found on wild Ho-Oh. SACRED GOLD & STORM SILVER Pokémon Locations This document exists to give the encounter data for each and every area within Sacred Gold and Storm Silver, both as a reference guide and because it’s impossible to view the data within the game itself. Night: Tangela (20%), Lickitung (20%), Butterfree (10%), Beedrill (10%), Dustox (10%), Venomoth (10%), Nuzleaf (10%), Snover (5%), Altaria (4%), Vespiquen (1%) Swarm: Remoraid Meridian Sound: Tangrowth, Lickilicky Pastoral Sound: Combee, Lombre Surf: Lotad (60%), Poliwag (30%), Poliwhirl (5%), Lombre (5%) Old Rod: Magikarp (90%), Remoraid (10%) Good Rod: Magikarp (60%), Remoraid (40%) Super Rod: Magikarp (60%), Remoraid (30%), Gyarados (7%), Octillery (3%), [ 1F ] Wild Levels: 37 â 40 Cave: Golbat (30%), Swinub (30%), Snover (15%), Spheal (10%), Seel (10%), Smoochum (5%) Meridian Sound: Piloswine Pastoral Sound: Smoochum, [ B1F ] Wild Levels: 38 â 41 Cave: Golbat (30%), Swinub (30%), Shellder (10%), Spheal (10%), Seel (10%), Smoochum (5%), Delibird (5%) Meridian Sound: Piloswine, Sealeo Pastoral Sound: Delibird, [ B2F ] Wild Levels: 40 â 43 Cave: Golbat (30%), Piloswine (30%), Sealeo (10%), Dewgong (10%), Snorunt (10%), Jynx (5%), Delibird (5%) Meridian Sound: Glalie, Froslass Pastoral Sound: Delibird, Jynx, [ B3F ] Wild Levels: 42 â 44 Cave: Golbat (30%), Piloswine (30%), Sealeo (10%), Dewgong (10%), Glalie (10%), Jynx (5%), Sneasel (5%) Meridian Sound: Mamoswine, Walrein Pastoral Sound: Jynx, Sneasel, Wild Levels: N/A Surf: Magikarp (100%) Old Rod: Magikarp (97%), Dratini (3%) Good Rod: Magikarp (97%), Dratini (3%) Super Rod: Magikarp (97%), Dratini (3%), Wild Levels: 42 â 45 Grass, All Times: Graveler (30%), Grumpig (20%), Donphan (10%), Camerupt (10%), Torkoal (10%), Gligar (10%), Vibrava (5%), Skarmory (5%) Meridian Sound: Gliscor, Golem Pastoral Sound: Rhyhorn, Vibrava Swarm: Rhydon Surf: Magikarp (100%) Old Rod: Magikarp (97%), Dratini (3%) Good Rod: Magikarp (97%), Dratini (3%) Super Rod: Magikarp (97%), Dratini (3%), Wild Levels: 10 â 40 Surf: Magikarp (60%), Dratini (30%), Gyarados (10%) Old Rod: Magikarp (93%), Dratini (7%) Good Rod: Magikarp (90%), Dratini (7%), Gyarados (3%) Super Rod: Magikarp (60%), Dratini (30%), Gyarados (7%), Dragonair (3%), Wild Levels: 43 â 45 Cave: Raticate (20%), Azumarill (20%), Slowbro (20%), Dewgong (10%), Golbat (10%), Bronzong (10%), Quagsire (10%) Meridian Sound: Crobat Pastoral Sound: Azurill, Chingling Surf: Goldeen (60%), Slowpoke (30%), Seaking (10%) Old Rod: Magikarp (95%), Goldeen (5%) Good Rod: Magikarp (60%), Goldeen (40%) Super Rod: Goldeen (90%), Gyarados (7%), Seaking (3%), Wild Levels: 42 â 45 Grass, Morning / Day: Doduo (20%), Skiploom (20%), Ponyta (20%), Dodrio (10%), Rapidash (10%), Sandslash (10%), Arbok (10%) Grass. It is arguable that the mainline series of Pokémon games is one of the most successful franchises on a handheld gaming console. Oval Stone: In an item ball on Route 34. Item Location Potion East of the northeasternmost grass patch Grn Apricorn Northwest of the northwesternmost grass patch, on the Apricorn tree (Daily) Poké Ball x15 Given by Lyra/Ethan after teaching you how to catch a Pokémon ... Pokémon Sacred Gold & Storm Silver Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Silver: Fist Plate: An item to be held by a Pokémon. Macho brace in Pokemon sacred gold? TM42 Facade: No change. 4.1 Mega Evolution Stones; 5 Berries; 6 Battle Effect Items; 7 Vitamins; 8 Fossils; 9 Technical Machines (TMs) 10 Miscellaneous. In this post, you will discover Pokemon Heart Gold Cheats that hopefully can help you complete the game.. TM59 Dragon Pulse: Also purchasable in Cerulean City. September 24, 2018 by Pokemoner.com. TM70 Flash: Removed from Goldenrod; given as a free gift in Route 10 Pokémon Center. Gold Berry: Allows attached Pokémon to automatically recover up to 30 HP in battle. Can I evolve my Eevee by Leaf Stone? Night: Nidorina (25%), Nidorino (25%), Swellow (20%), Quagsire (20%), Noctowl (10%) Meridian Sound: Jumpluff Pastoral Sound: Bonsly, Mime Jr. Swarm: Chansey Surf: Slowpoke (90%), Slowbro (10%) Old Rod: Magikarp (100%) Good Rod: Poliwag (60%), Goldeen (30%), Horsea (10%) Super Rod: Seadra (60%), Poliwhirl (30%), Qwilfish (10%). For the following Pokémon: There are several types of encounters: Grass, Cave, Building etc. TM89 U-turn: Also buyable in Viridian City. User Info: SuzieJoeBob. Reduced to 4,000 Coins in Goldenrod Game Corner. To stay up ⦠TM22 SolarBeam: No change. Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Version: You can find one on Route 229, or in Turnback Cave after reaching Giratina's room by going through only three rooms, but only if Giratina is not there (will reappear in Turnback Cave every time you re-enter). The Water Stone debuted in The Battling Eevee Brothers as part of a collection held by the Eevee brothers.. TM64 Explosion: No change. And Eevee! TM12 Taunt: The copy in Burned Tower has been removed. These items are usually story based and can be used at specific points in the game. TM37 Sandstorm: Also buyable from shop in Mahogany Town. Main article: Sacred Ash (Flashfire 96) Sacred Ash was introduced as an Item card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English XY Series (the Japanese XY Era). TM66 Payback: No change. Locations for the required evolution items can be found in the âImportant Item Locationsâ document which should also be in the same folder as this one. It is loved by a certain Pokémon. TM36 Sludge Bomb: No change. Leafeon, Glaceon, Magneton, Pokémon Gold And Silver Key Item Locations. September 21, 2017. The orb will be the held item on the Pokemon you received and you just use the orb like how you would use an evolutionary stone. TM52 Focus Blast: No change. TM85 Dream Eater: No change. King’s Rock: Also given to you by a man in Mahogany’s Pokémon Center. Anyways, I have completed a Nuzlocke of Sacred Gold (like all the way to Red) and it was super fun, but the hours and hours I spent on grinding was not fun at all. Pokewalker Dowsing MCHN: Icy Mountain Rd. Sacred Gold Ingame trades. Water Stone: Received from Sprout Tower’s head sage; also purchasable in Goldenrod. Locations. This document exists to give the encounter data for each and every area within Sacred Gold and Storm Silver, both as a reference guide and because itâs impossible to view the data within the game itself. TM55 Brine: Removed from Celadon Mart; buyable in Goldenrod Mart. If you're interested in playing Pokemon Sacred Gold or Pokemon Storm Silver, you can download the patches and documentations below. grass, caves) though in the event of a water route such as Route 40, it instead refers to encounters found while Surfing. evolution methods within Sacred Gold & Storm Silver. One of each fossil is obtained for free from a man in Goldenrod’s Archaelogical Center (what used to be the Bike Shop), with the exception of Aerodactyl; the Old Amber must be found normally. Chilled Ore: Received from Sprout Tower’s head sage; found in an item ball in Ice Path. ... You have to beat the Cianwood City Gym Leader Chuck before he will give you the item you need to help Amphy in Olivine City. Some key items are also listed. she’ll give you a Thick Club if you have a Cubone or Marowak behind you). The series comes with 100 new Pokemon and considered the best game in the series according to users who played the game.. Pokemon Gold together with its companion game Pokemon Silver has got an enormous success and sold more than millions of copies worldwide. TM07 Hail: Also buyable from the shop in Mahogany Town. I have played Storm Silver and Sacred Gold, both times I have not found Steven. Rock Smash refers to encounters from smashing rocks in that area. It is extremely stiff and heavy. Lucky Egg: Given to you by Mr. Pokemon in exchange for the Red Scale, and also by a guy in the Ruins of Alph as a reward for catching 21 Unown. TM61 Will-O-Wisp: Obtained from Fantina in Ecruteak’s Mart. TM57 Charge Beam: Removed from Olivine City. Iron Ball: 200: A Pokémon held item that cuts Speed. TM53 Energy Ball: Received as a gift from a girl on Route 39; buyable in Celadon. Yes, welcome to this nuzlocke playthrough of Drayano's Sacred Gold hack for Pokemon Heart Gold. Posted by 11 months ago. Notes:. TM82 Sleep Talk: No change. Item! Night: Flaaffy (20%), Golbat (20%), Hippopotas (10%), Cacnea (10%), Arbok (10%), Sandslash (10%), Munchlax (10%), Trapinch (10%) Meridian Sound: Cacturne, Vibrava Pastoral Sound: Tyrogue Surf: Goldeen (95%), Seaking (5%) Old Rod: Goldeen (100%) Good Rod: Goldeen (65%), Carvanha (35%) Super Rod: Goldeen (60%), Carvanha (30%), Seaking (7%), Sharpedo (3%), [ 1F ] Wild Levels: 31 â 34 Cave, All Times: Graveler (30%), Golbat (30%), Rhyhorn (10%), Lairon (10%), Meditite (10%), Marill (10%) Surf: Marill (95%), Azumarill (5%) Meridian Sound: Rhydon, Medicham Pastoral Sound: Azurill Swarm: Solrock (SG) / Lunatone (SS) Old Rod: Goldeen (100%) Good Rod: Goldeen (65%), Barboach (35%) Super Rod: Goldeen (60%), Barboach (30%), Seaking (5%), Whiscash (5%), [ 1F-2 ] Wild Levels: 33 â 37 Cave, All Times: Graveler (20%), Golbat (20%), Rhyhorn (10%), Lairon (10%), Marill (10%), Hariyama (10%), Clefairy (5%), Medicham (5%), Solrock (5%), Lunatone (5%) Meridian Sound: Rhydon, Azumarill Pastoral Sound: Cleffa, Clefairy, [ 1F-3 ] Wild Levels: 41 â 45 Cave, All Times: Graveler (20%), Golbat (20%), Rhydon (10%), Lairon (10%), Azumarill (10%), Hariyama (10%), Clefairy (5%), Medicham (5%), Solrock (5%), Lunatone (5%) Surf: Marill (95%), Azumarill (5%) Meridian Sound: Golem, Clefable Pastoral Sound: Cleffa, Azurill Old Rod: Goldeen (100%) Good Rod: Goldeen (65%), Barboach (35%) Super Rod: Goldeen (60%), Barboach (30%), Seaking (5%), Whiscash (5%), [ B1F ] Wild Levels: 33 â 35 Cave, All Times: Graveler (20%), Golbat (20%), Rhyhorn (10%), Lairon (10%), Machoke (10%), Hariyama (10%), Clefairy (5%), Marill (5%), Metang (5%), Pupitar (5%) Surf: Marill (95%), Azumarill (5%) Meridian Sound: Clefable, Azumarill Pastoral Sound: Riolu Old Rod: Goldeen (100%) Good Rod: Goldeen (65%), Barboach (35%) Super Rod: Goldeen (60%), Barboach (30%), Seaking (5%), Whiscash (5%), Wild Levels: 34 â 36 Grass, Morning / Day: Pidgeotto (20%), Girafarig (20%), Exeggcute (10%), Kirlia (10%), Swablu (10%), Bibarel (10%), Linoone (10%), Manectric (10%) Grass. YouTube 9K Subscribers. TM71 Stone Edge: Obtainable from a man in Indigo Plateau; purchasable in Celadon City. Old Rod: Obtained from the Guide Gent in Cherrygrove City. TM56 Fling: No change. D2000000 00000000. You could teach Theif to a Pokemon, but Since you are playing Heartgold, Find and catch Mankey on Route 42 or 9. TM27 Return: No change. Wild Levels: N/A Surf: Tentacool (90%), Tentacruel (10%) Old Rod: Magikarp (60%), Shellder (35%), Chinchou (5%) Good Rod: Shellder (60%), Chinchou (40%) Super Rod: Shellder (60%), Lanturn (30%), Gyarados (10%), Wild Levels: 3 â 5 Grass, Morning / Day: Pidgey (20%), Sentret (20%), Starly (15%), Rattata (15%), Zigzagoon (10%), Bidoof (10%), Hoppip (5%), Wurmple (5%) Grass, Night: Hoothoot (20%), Rattata (20%), Poochyena (15%), Zigzagoon (15%), Bidoof (15%), Wurmple (15%) Meridian Sound: Furret, Raticate Pastoral Sound: Plusle, Minun, Wild Levels: 4 â 6 Grass, Morning / Day: Geodude (20%), Spearow (20%), Spoink (10%), Swablu (10%), Rattata (10%), Numel (10%), Jigglypuff (10%), Phanpy (10%) Grass, Night: Geodude (20%), Numel (20%), Spoink (10%), Rattata (10%), Clefairy (10%), Jigglypuff (10%), Houndour (10%), Shinx (10%) Meridian Sound: Graveler, Fearow Pastoral Sound: Igglybuff, Wild Levels: N /A Surf: Marill (95%), Azumarill (5%) Old Rod: Magikarp (60%), Krabby (30%), Corphish (10%) Good Rod: Krabby (60%), Finneon (30%), Corphish (10%) Super Rod: Lumineon (60%), Kingler (30%), Crawdaunt (10%), Wild Levels: 4 â 6 Grass, Morning: Ledyba (20%), Taillow (20%), Lotad (10%), Seedot (10%), Caterpie (10%), Weedle (10%), Kricketot (10%), Surskit (5%), Ralts (5%) Grass, Day: Caterpie (20%), Weedle (20%), Lotad (10%), Seedot (10%), Taillow (10%), Metapod (10%), Kakuna (10%), Surskit (5%), Ralts (5%) Grass, Night: Spinarak (20%), Hoothoot (20%), Lotad (10%), Seedot (10%), Caterpie (10%), Weedle (10%), Kricketot (10%), Surskit (5%), Ralts (5%) Meridian Sound: Lombre, Nuzleaf Pastoral Sound: Ralts Surf: Poliwag (60%), Lotad (30%), Poliwhirl (5%), Lombre (5%) Old Rod: Poliwag (60%), Goldeen (30%), Psyduck (10%) Good Rod: Psyduck (60%), Goldeen (30%), Poliwhirl (10%) Super Rod: Poliwhirl (60%), Seaking (30%), Golduck (10%), Wild Levels: 6 â 10 Grass, Morning: Ledyba (20%), Bellsprout (20%), Buizel (10%), Shinx (10%), Abra (10%), Natu (10%), Exeggcute (5%), Psyduck (5%), Metapod (4%), Kakuna (4%), Butterfree (1%), Beedrill (1%) Grass, Day: Wurmple (20%), Bellsprout (20%), Buizel (10%), Shinx (10%), Abra (10%), Natu (10%), Budew (5%), Psyduck (5%), Silcoon (4%), Cascoon (4%), Exeggcute (2%) Grass, Night: Spinarak (20%), Bellsprout (20%), Psyduck (10%), Shinx (10%), Abra (10%), Natu (10%), Exeggcute (5%), Buizel (5%), Metapod (4%), Kakuna (4%), Beautifly (1%), Dustox (1%) Meridian Sound: Butterfree, Beedrill Pastoral Sound: Budew Surf: Marill (60%), Surskit (35%), Masquerain (5%) Old Rod: Tentacool (60%), Slowpoke (35%), Feebas (5%) Good Rod: Tentacool (60%), Slowpoke (30%), Feebas (10%) Super Rod: Tentacruel (60%), Feebas (30%), Slowbro (10%), Wild Levels: 8 â 10 Cave, Morning / Day: Geodude (20%), Zubat (20%), Bronzor (10%), Makuhita (10%), Sandshrew (10%), Teddiursa (10%), Slugma (10%), Larvitar (4%), Dunsparce (4%), Chingling (2%) Cave, Night: Geodude (20%), Zubat (20%), Bronzor (10%), Makuhita (10%), Sandshrew (10%), Wynaut (10%), Slugma (10%), Larvitar (4%), Dunsparce (4%), Chingling (2%) Meridian Sound: Golbat Pastoral Sound: Chingling Swarm: Larvitar Surf: Shellos (60%), Wooper (30%), Gastrodon (10%) Old Rod: Goldeen (60%), Barboach (30%), Wooper (10%) Good Rod: Goldeen (60%), Barboach (30%), Quagsire (10%) Super Rod: Seaking (60%), Whiscash (30%), Quagsire (10%) Rock Smash: Dunsparce (90%), Nosepass (10%), Wild Levels: N/A Surf: Poliwag (90%), Poliwhirl (10%) Old Rod: Magikarp (60%), Poliwag (30%), Staryu (10%) / Swarm: Whiscash Good Rod: Poliwag (60%), Staryu (30%), Chinchou (10%) / Swarm: Whiscash Super Rod: Poliwhirl (60%), Staryu (30%), Lanturn (10%) / Swarm: Whiscash, Wild Levels: 10 â 12 Grass, Morning / Day: Mareep (20%), Bellsprout (20%), Nincada (15%), Hoppip (15%), Magnemite (15%), Ekans (10%), Pachirisu (5%) Grass, Night: Mareep (20%), Bellsprout (20%), Nincada (15%), Wooper (15%), Magnemite (15%), Ekans (10%), Drifloon (5%) Meridian Sound: Flaaffy, Magneton Pastoral Sound: Drifloon, Pachirisu Surf: Wooper (60%), Tentacool (30%), Quagsire (5%), Tentacruel (5%) Old Rod: Tentacool (60%), Psyduck (35%), Qwilfish (5%) Good Rod: Tentacool (60%), Psyduck (30%), Qwilfish (10%) Super Rod: Qwilfish (60%), Tentacruel (30%), Golduck (10%), Wild Levels: 26 â 30 Grass, All Times: Natu (40%), Smeargle (40%), Girafarig (20%) Rock Smash: Geodude (90%), Nosepass (10%) Meridian Sound: Xatu Pastoral Sound: Togepi Surf: Wooper (90%), Quagsire (10%) Old Rod: Magikarp (60%), Remoraid (30%), Dratini (10%) Good Rod: Magikarp (60%), Remoraid (30%), Dratini (9%), Dragonair (1%) Super Rod: Gyarados (60%), Relicanth (30%), Dragonair (5%), Octillery (5%), [ 2F ] Wild Levels: 9 â12 Building, Morning / Day: Zigzagoon (20%), Rattata (20%), Pidgey (20%), Bidoof (10%), Starly (10%), Meditite (10%), Spinda (5%), Chatot (5%) Building, Night: Gastly (20%), Rattata (20%), Bellsprout (20%), Bidoof (10%), Glameow (10%), Stunky (10%), Spinda (5%), Drifloon (5%) Meridian Sound: Bibarel, Linoone Pastoral Sound: Spinda, [ 3F ] Wild Levels: 10 â 13 Building, Morning / Day: Zigzagoon (20%), Rattata (20%), Pidgey (20%), Bidoof (10%), Starly (10%), Meditite (10%), Spinda (5%), Chatot (5%) Building, Night: Gastly (20%), Rattata (20%), Bellsprout (20%), Bidoof (10%), Glameow (10%), Stunky (10%), Spinda (5%), Drifloon (5%) Meridian Sound: Bibarel, Linoone Pastoral Sound: Spinda, [ 1F ] Wild Levels: 12 â 15 Cave, All Times: Zubat (25%), Sandshrew (25%), Geodude (10%), Whismur (10%), Makuhita (10%), Machop (10%), Aron (5%), Cubone (5%) Surf: Wooper (60%), Shellos (30%), Quagsire (5%), Gastrodon (5%) Old Rod: Magikarp (60%), Goldeen (30%), Barboach (10%) Good Rod: Magikarp (60%), Goldeen (30%), Barboach (10%) Super Rod: Gyarados (60%), Seaking (30%), Whiscash (10%) Meridian Sound: Sandslash, Loudred Pastoral Sound: Gible, [ B1F ] Wild Levels: 13 â 16 Cave, All Times: Zubat (25%), Sandshrew (20%), Geodude (10%), Bronzor (10%), Aron (10%), Onix (15%), Bagon (5%), Gible (5%) Surf: Wooper (60%), Shellos (30%), Quagsire (5%), Gastrodon (5%) Old Rod: Magikarp (60%), Goldeen (30%), Barboach (10%) Good Rod: Magikarp (60%), Goldeen (30%), Barboach (10%) Super Rod: Gyarados (60%), Seaking (30%), Whiscash (10%) Meridian Sound: Golbat, Steelix Pastoral Sound: Cubone, [ B2F ] Wild Levels: 28 â 30 Cave, All Times: Golbat (20%), Sandslash (20%), Graveler (10%), Sableye (10%), Machoke (10%), Loudred (10%), Mawile (10%), Lickitung (5%), Kangaskhan (5%) Surf: Wooper (60%), Shellos (30%), Quagsire (5%), Gastrodon (5%) Old Rod: Magikarp (60%), Goldeen (30%), Barboach (10%) Good Rod: Magikarp (60%), Goldeen (30%), Barboach (10%) Super Rod: Gyarados (60%), Seaking (30%), Whiscash (10%) Meridian Sound: Lickilicky, Exploud Pastoral Sound: Kangaskhan, Wild Levels: 14 â 16 Grass, Morning / Day: Croagunk (20%), Ekans (20%), Skorupi (10%), Slakoth (10%), Swablu (10%), Aipom (10%), Hoppip (10%), Rhyhorn (10%) Grass, Night: Croagunk (20%), Ekans (20%), Skorupi (10%), Slakoth (10%), Swablu (10%), Aipom (10%), Meowth (10%), Rhyhorn (10%) Meridian Sound: Toxicroak, Drapion Pastoral Sound: Lombre, [ 1F ] Wild Levels: 15 â 16 Cave, All Times: Zubat (20%), Slowpoke (20%), Gastly (10%), Shellos (10%), Shellder (10%), Swinub (10%), Snorunt (10%), Bronzor (10%) Surf: Slowpoke (90%), Slowbro (10%) Old Rod: Magikarp (60%), Slowpoke (30%), Barboach (10%) Good Rod: Magikarp (60%), Barboach (30%), Slowpoke (10%) Super Rod: Gyarados (60%), Whiscash (30%), Slowbro (10%) Meridian Sound: Slowbro Pastoral Sound: Wynaut, [ B1F ] Wild Levels: 28 â 33 Cave, All Times: Golbat (20%), Slowpoke (20%), Haunter (10%), Gastrodon (10%), Shellder (10%), Piloswine (10%), Snorunt (10%), Bronzong (10%) Surf: Slowpoke (60%), Slowbro (40%) Old Rod: Magikarp (60%), Slowpoke (30%), Barboach (10%) Good Rod: Magikarp (60%), Barboach (30%), Slowpoke (10%) Super Rod: Gyarados (60%), Whiscash (30%), Slowbro (10%) Meridian Sound: Slowbro, Glalie Pastoral Sound: Wobbuffet, Wild Levels: 15 â 18 Grass, Morning: Shroomish (20%), Ledyba (20%), Pineco (10%), Exeggcute (10%), Buneary (10%), Budew (10%), Pikachu (5%), Butterfree (5%), Beedrill (5%), Roselia (5%) Grass, Day: Shroomish (20%), Wurmple (20%), Pineco (10%), Exeggcute (10%), Buneary (10%), Budew (10%), Pikachu (5%), Beautifly (5%), Dustox (5%), Roselia (5%) Grass, Night: Paras (20%), Spinarak (20%), Pineco (10%), Oddish (10%), Buneary (10%), Venonat (10%), Pikachu (5%), Murkrow (5%), Misdreavus (5%), Carnivine (5%) Surf: Psyduck (90%), Golduck (10%) Old Rod: Magikarp (60%), Poliwag (40%) Good Rod: Poliwhirl (90%), Gyarados (10%) Super Rod: Poliwhirl (60%), Gyarados (30%), Poliwrath (5%), Politoed (5%) Meridian Sound: Gloom, Venomoth Pastoral Sound: Pichu, Wild Levels: 15 â 19 Grass, All Times: Drowzee (20%), Gulpin (20%), Electrike (10%), Bonsly (10%), Mime Jr. (10%), Abra (10%), Ditto (9%), Snubbull (9%), Kadabra (2%) Surf: Tentacool (95%), Tentacruel (5%) Old Rod: Goldeen (60%), Chinchou (30%), Staryu (10%) Good Rod: Goldeen (60%), Chinchou (30%), Staryu (10%) Super Rod: Seaking (60%), Staryu (30%), Lanturn (5%), Starmie (5%) Meridian Sound: Manectric, Hypno Pastoral Sound: Ralts, Kirlia Swarm: Kadabra, Wild Levels: 17 â 19 Grass, Morning / Day: Nidoran M (20%), Nidoran F (20%), Pidgeotto (10%), Stunky (10%), Glameow (10%), Staravia (10%), Illumise (5%), Volbeat (5%), Ditto (5%), Yanma (5%) Grass, Night: Nidoran M (20%), Nidoran F (20%), Meowth (10%), Stunky (10%), Glameow (10%), Noctowl (10%), Illumise (5%), Volbeat (5%), Ditto (5%), Yanma (5%) Surf: Psyduck (90%), Golduck (10%) Old Rod: Magikarp (65%), Psyduck (35%) Good Rod: Magikarp (60%), Luvdisc (35%), Psyduck (5%) Super Rod: Luvdisc (60%), Psyduck (35%), Gyarados (5%) Meridian Sound: Skuntank, Purugly Pastoral Sound: Yanma Swarm: Illumise (SG) / Volbeat (SS).
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