advanced english sentences examples
Charles rapidly advanced southward, and after a short stay in Florence set out for Rome (November 1 494). In May 1814 Saud died, and his son,Abdallah, attempted to negotiate, but Mehemet Ali refused all overtures, and in January 1815 advanced into Nejd, defeated the Wahhabi army and occupied Ras, then the chief town in Kasim. You can hear that the pauses come at the wrong times in this sentence. Feb 4, 2021 - Advance your English grammar and vocabulary with these tips, blog posts, and in-depth lessons. But when our artillery or cavalry advanced or some of our infantry were seen to move forward, words of approval were heard on all sides. Example: … Brush Up On. His arm was badly broken. Aquinas had regarded the knowledge of the universal as an intellectual activity which might even be advanced in proof of the immortality of the soul. With an incessant hum of voices the crowd advanced to the table. As the 13th century advanced, the council, representing the wealthy and powerful gild of merchants, began to take a larger share in the government, and to restrict more and more the direct exercise of the episcopal authority. A collection of formulae relating to the circle, for instance, would comprise not only geometrical and trigonometrical formulae, but also approximate formulae, such as Huygens's rule (§ 91), which are the result of advanced analysis. Example: The nose was the most salient feature of his face. All Napoleon's allies suddenly became his enemies and their forces advanced against the fresh forces he raised. As the attendance at his classes continually increased - pagans thronging; to him as well as Christians - he handed over the beginners to his friend Heracles, and took charge of the more advanced pupils himself. The purpose of adverbs is to add detail or emphasis to a sentence. They advanced in line abreast to meet the first line of the Genoese, fighting according to the medieval custom to ram and board. The agriculture of Great Britain, as a whole, advanced with rapid strides during this period; hint nowhere was the change so great as in Scotland. The bill failed to become law and in consequence of financial difficulties the project had not, up to 1910, advanced beyond the stage of consideration. But the Union troops steadily advanced, growing in strength as they went, and a few days after Lee's surrender at Appomattox Johnston advised President Davis that it was in his opinion wrong and useless to continue the conflict, and he was authorized to make terms with Sherman. of the Hindu Kush was due to the movements of the Jwen-Jwen, who advanced W. The cause of mediation was considerably advanced by the Declaration of Paris of 1856. But he did not wish the little girl to think him a coward, so he advanced slowly to the edge of the roof. 115-129). The French had advanced nearest on our right. It comes into operation at a certain and not very advanced stage in the progress of agriculture.". 1086), and its fortunes were advanced through the election of Count Henry IV. I was too stunned to finish my sentence. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with verbs: " He is advanced in his technical skills. This would protect smokers and non smokers alike, and save a lot of money that is wasted on cigarettes. They advanced the few hundred paces that separated the bridge from the Kaluga road, taking more than an hour to do so, and came out upon the square where the streets of the Transmoskva ward and the Kaluga road converge, and the prisoners jammed close together had to stand for some hours at that crossway. In the Constituent Assembly he formed with Barnave and Adrien Duport a sort of association called the "Triumvirate," which controlled a group of about forty deputies forming the advanced left of the Assembly. A fresh at ~mpt of the same kind was then made against Crispi by tF Radical leader Cavallotti, who advanced unproven charges of corruption and embezzlement. (976) this "East Mark" (Ostmark, Oesterreich, Austria) was granted in fief to the Babenbergers, and in the reign of Frederick Barbarossa (1156) it was advanced to the rank of a duchy. in five columns, these being so the Nivelle, directed that after carrying Soult's advanced works Nov. On the 12th of April Wellington advanced to invest Toulouse from the south, but Soult on the night of the nth had retreated towards Villefranque, and Wellington then entered the city. Family members of smokers often get ill from smoking related illnesses because they were affected by the smoke of others. In written English sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop/period (. Almost simultaneously with the formation of the above-mentioned committee of the academy, the " Natural Science Association " showed signs of renewed animation, and soon advanced with rapid strides in the same direction, but with a more popular aim than the academy. His house is bigger than hers. When sentence elements are manipulated within a sentence, sometimes the subject verb positioning gets reversed. - Advanced… Consequently, as Ney's wing advanced northward from Gosselies along the Brussels road, it came upon an advanced detachment 6f this force at Frasnes. After the republican Government seemed fairly established, and the reign of law and order was being restored, he returned; but, possibly on account of his advanced age, did not appear during 1921 to be taking any further part in political intrigue or agitation. Examples: So fat was the cat that they went to see a specialist vet. Deciding not to enter the ministry, he paid back the money advanced by the society. north of the capital, the powerful tribes between Asir and Sana advanced southwards, occupied the principal towns and besieged the few Turkish fortified posts that still held out. On this occasion the Turks made a determined resistance; but the Allies' line was advanced by a few hundred yards at most points, and a three days' lull then ensued in the Helles area. But it remains the fact that his success with the free-trade movement was for years unchallenged, and that the leaps and bounds with which English commercial prosperity advanced after the repeal of the cornIaws were naturally associated with the reformed fiscal policy, so that the very name of protectionism came to be identified with all that was not merely heterodox but hateful. Bir on the Euphrates, crossed the stream, by the sultan's orders, and advanced on Damascus. We find that geometry was neglected except in so far as it was of service to astronomy; trigonometry was advanced, and algebra improved far beyond the attainments of Diophantus. "Are these the troops?" The rebellion spread to Cyprus; and when Trajan advanced from Mesopotamia into Parthia the Jews of Mesopotamia revolted. Independent and Dependent Clauses. Prepositions need an article on it’s own as they can easily confuse even advanced English students and even native English speakers. As a manager, though he committed some grievous blunders, he did good service to the theatre and signally advanced the popularity of Shakespeare's plays, of which not less than twenty-four were produced at Drury Lane under his management. After a rather ineffective artillery bombardment the Japanese advanced in full force, without hesitation or finesse, and plunging into the river, stormed forward under a heavy fire. What was terrible was the fish, although the other food wasn't bad. 1. Answer; 2. Adverbs can often be constructed by adding the letters –ly to an adjective. In the bottom of these top advanced English Vocabulary words with meanings, pictures and example sentences, you can download in a soft form as pdf booklet. In France the scientific study of the subject was advanced by the work of Blondel, Tissot, Ducretet and others, and systems called the Ducretet and Rochefort set in operation. Smith he obtained his degree. Its base was in Venetia, and its point was advanced to the Tiber. In addition to … Then hearing that the Austrians had counter-marched and were again moving towards Dresden, he hastened back there, concentrated as many men as could conveniently be handled, and advanced beyond Pirna and KOnigstein to meet him. Later in 1863, when the battle of Chattanooga brought the Federals to the borders of Georgia, Johnston was assigned to command the Army of Tennessee at Dalton, and in the early days of May 1864 the combined armies of the North under Sherman advanced against his lines. You have to use the key word to complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. This can be inverted to, "Around the corner drove the car". In A two medusa-buds are seen within the gonotheca (gth), the upper more advanced than the lower one. Wallenstein advanced in his turn, recaptured his guns and drove the Swedes over the road. "I prefer not to take lessons from anyone, but I can die with my men as well as anybody," he said, and advanced with a single division. Whether Hadrian, the relative of Trajan (cousin's son), was actually adopted by him or not is impossible to determine; certainly Hadrian had not been advanced to any great honours by Trajan. of the landing-places and captured one advanced spur. or the graces of a Marlborough, he grasped the central problems of his time with more clearness, or advanced solutions with more ultimate success, than any other statesman of his age. Families feel much closer because they can use the internet to communicate. 3, which identifies the blood with the soul of the animal and therefore prohibits its use fairly represents the current conception both among primitive peoples as well as among those who had advanced along the road of culture and civilization. At his advanced age the anxiety and excitement of the contested election of 1891 proved too great. 1. CONCESSIONARY CLAUSES are used to clarify a particular point. For example, if you read this sentence aloud: The rabbit, hopped, and then, he ate, a carrot. (1901) is the work of a German of the advanced left. The infantry in their blue uniforms advanced toward the bridge at a run. At his advanced age he went with his youngest child to Panama to see with his own eyes the field of his new enterprise. Each English advanced grammar lessons includes: the essential advanced grammar rules; grammar tips that will help you to pass your exams; simple and clear examples; a free downloadable PDF of the lesson; is the website you need to learn English quickly and efficiently! It is true that Greek philosophy advanced far beyond this stage, but it produced nothing sufficiently popular to be called a religion. The general formula (which is established by more advanced methods) is 4. 8 pages of prepositions with sentence examples on an advanced level C1 or C2. If they end in -e, only an -r is added. Example: Reports are expected by the end of the week. Without thinking, he turned down the road. - I bought four apples, a basket of tomatoes, a bag of green beans, and three squashes at the farmers’ market. Examples of advanced mathematics in a sentence, how to use it. Had I saved my money, I could go on holiday. Thus held out at some distance from the body, it is cautiously advanced by the male spider to the genital aperture of the female. Tabor soon became the centre of the advanced Hussites, who differed from the Utraquists by recognizing only two sacraments - Baptism and Communion - and by rejecting most of the ceremonial of the Roman Church. After each descent of the cutters, the fillet is advanced by small gripping rolls C C' C" worked by a ratchet wheel E driven from the shaft which bears the eccentric A. That a far more advanced race had at one time a settlement on the north-west coast is indicated by the cave-paintings and sculptures discovered by Sir George Grey. In advanced religion, indeed, prayer is the chosen vehicle of the free spirit of worship. But when in the early 'forties a feeling of unrest spread throughout Italy, even in Tuscany demands for a constitution and other political reforms were advanced; in1845-1846riots broke out in various parts of the country, and Leopold granted a number of administrative reforms. Make sure you understand both compound and complex sentences before you begin to study the compound-complex sentences. Advanced Level Grammar Exercise – MCQ Test 19. Before the days of the "higher criticism" and the rise of the modern scientific views as to the origin of species, there was much discussion among the learned, and many ingenious and curious theories were advanced, as to the number of the animals and the space necessary for their reception, with elaborate calculations as to the subdivisions of the ark and the quantities of food, &c., required to be stored. For other areas we have often no description of the procedure at all, but merely the briefest outline of the actual process of slaughter, and we are ignorant whether the form of the rite is in reality simple (either from a loss of primitive elements or from never having advanced beyond the stage at which we find it), or whether the absence of detail is due to the inattention or lack of interest of the observer. Thanks to this system of irrigation the cultivation of the soil was highly advanced in Babylonia. See more ideas about grammar and vocabulary, english grammar, advanced english grammar. If you like this book, check out the courses at Espresso English. These votes, however, were cancelled later, on the 26th of July, under the pressure of the royalist city mob which invaded the two Houses; but the two speakers, with eight peers and fifty-seven members of the Commons, themselves joined the army, which now advanced to London, overawing all resistance, escorting the fugitive members in triumph to Westminster on the 6th of August, and obliging the parliament on the 10th to cancel the last votes, with the threat of a regiment of cavalry drawn up by Cromwell in Hyde Park. A sentence ends with punctuation (a period, a question mark, or an exclamation point). English grammar lesson on-line for advanced level English students - In this advanced lesson we look at how to create the different passive forms from active sentences by changing the position of the agent and the structure of the verb. He then formed some other connexion, and became at an advanced age the father of a natural son, Giovanni Andrea; and at the last, although he continued launching out into various expenses and schemes, he had serious tribulations, such as the banishment from Mantua of his son Francesco, who had incurred the marquis's displeasure. Dvinsk was taken by the Poles, and Rezhitsa (the main town of Latgalia) by the Landeswehr, who advanced to Rozhanova. Flour and grist mill products advanced in value from $ 11, 94 8, 55 6 in 1900 to $22,083,136 in 1905. The station of Lugh, the most advanced point occupied by Italy, had been founded by Captain Bottego in 1895. The arrested embryos or eggs are then swallowed and digested by those in the same capsule which have advanced in development. But: is used to show the differences. NOMINALISATION is used to make phrasing more concise and easier to read. Kossuth succeeded in granting them temporary emancipation, but the suppression of the War of Independence led to an era of royal autocracy which, while it advanced Jewish culture by enforcing the establishment of modern schools, retarded the obtaining of civic and political rights. See John Clarke, Examination of the Notion of Moral Good and Evil advanced in a late book entitled The Religion of Nature Delineated (London, 1725); Drechsler, Ober Wollaston's Moral-Philosophie (Erlangen, 1802); Sir Leslie Stephen's History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1876), ch. In pursuance of this object Ney, to whom Kellermann was now attached, was to mass at Quatre Bras and push an advanced guard 6 m. By prearrangement, no doubt, uniformity may be obtained in regard to most of the main statistical facts ascertainable at a census, at all events in the more advanced units of the empire, and proposals to this effect were made by the registrar-general of England and Wales in his report upon the figures for 1901. The general advanced guard of all arms now followed immediately behind the cavalry screen and held the enemy in position, while the remainder of the army followed at a day's march in a " bataillon carree " ready to manoeuvre in any required direction. But the enemy speedily brought effective flanking artillery fire to bear on the beach and on the boats; the troops, both officers and men, were inexperienced, the ground to be advanced over was hilly, scrub-clad and extremely broken, and considerable confusion arose. But ere long Cromwell himself arrived with his reserve, and the whole English line advanced again. Although it cannot be said that the science of medicine was advanced at Salerno, still its decline was arrested at a time when every other branch of learning was rapidly falling into decay; and there can be no doubt that the observation of patients in hospitals, and probably clinical instruction, were made use of in learning and teaching. When these elementary books have been digested, the advanced student may proceed to study the following: J. An interesting example of the importance of his pioneer work is the fact that there has been a strong tendency to revert to the views which he advanced on the question of the Hittites in his early Oxford lectures. The equalization of classes was already far advanced when towards the end of the century a nobleman of the Alcmaeonid family, named Cleisthenes, who had taken the chief part in the final expulsion of the tyrants, acquired ascendancy as leader of the commons. 16 1916; and the Russian armies advanced westward till they held 30,000 sq. 4. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Thus each of these strategical covering forces was itself protected by an adequate tactical advanced guard, to perform the service of local protection. simple and clear examples; a free downloadable PDF of the lesson; is the website you need to learn English quickly and efficiently! On its western side, which is occupied by an immigrant Chinese population, are open and well-cultivated plains; on the east it is mountainous, and occupied by independent indigenous tribes in a less advanced state. This type of inversion features verbs of a directive or locative nature, e.g. corps was dislodged from its advanced position. They work harder than you. Then he broke the treaty again and advanced with a large army. Napoleon's original plan for the 16th was based on the assumption that the allies, who had been caught napping, would not attempt a risky forward concentration; and he intended therefore to push an advanced guard as far as Gembloux, for the purpose of feeling for and warding off Blucher. ), a question mark (?) But his promptitude raised him higher in the favour of Domitian, and he was advanced to the consulship in 91. Family members of smokers, who don't smoke, often get ill from smoking related illnesses because they were affected by the smoke of others. The following statements are true about sentences in English: A new sentence begins with a capital letter. Co 10. His birth must have occurred within a few years of the date assigned; the only fixed chronological point is a visit of the Gothic king Totila to him in 543, when Benedict was already established at Monte Cassino and advanced in years (Dial. all these arts revived, and sculpture, as evidenced by relief work, both on a large and on a small scale, carved stone vessels, metallurgy in gold, silver and bronze, advanced farther. Napoleon's own forces thus became the " general advanced guard " for Ney and Davout, who were to close in on either side and deliver the decisive stroke. Schoemansdal, a village at the foot of the Zoutpansberg, was the most important settlement of the district, and the most advanced outpost in European occupation at that time in South Africa. Corps in the centre of the army advanced on a front of five miles between the Cambrai-Peronne and Cambrai-Bapaume roads. Bring to the Table. This online grammar lesson is suitable for advanced-level students of English. In 1071 Romanus again took the field and advanced with ioo,000 men, including a contingent of the Turkish tribe of the Uzes and of the French and Normans, under Ursel of Baliol, into Armenia. The advanced medical equipment and sterile scent in the air were the same. The well-known passage of Lucian (Piscator, 47) cannot be regarded as decisive for any of the theories advanced, as any portion of the old enceinte dismantled by the Persians may have retained the name in later times. 2) COMPOUND SENTENCE. In addition, there are many verbs with irregular past forms. Napoleon advanced farther and we retired, thus arriving at the very result which caused his destruction. Wellington then, ostentatiously making preparations to enter Spain by the Badajoz line, once more turned northward, crossed the Tormes (June 17, 1812), and advanced to the Douro, behind which the French were drawn up. The influence that Rosicrucianism had in the modernizing of ancient Freemasonry early in the 18th century must have been slight, if any, though it is likely that as the century advanced, and additional ceremonies were grafted on to the first three degrees, Rosicrucian tenets were occasionally introduced into the later rituals. Idioms are words that have special meaning when put together. advanced chemistry or to have found further confirmation in the facts of chemistry. About the middle of the Arbat Street, near the Church of the Miraculous Icon of St. Nicholas, Murat halted to await news from the advanced detachment as to the condition in which they had found the citadel, le Kremlin. Recent investigations have confirmed Baeyers view of the formation of formaldehyde, but a different explanation has been recently advanced. In cases where the development of the embryo is advanced at the resting period, traces run from the cotyledons and determine the symmetry of the stele of the primitive axis, the upperpart of which often shows stem-structure, in some respects at least, and is called the hypocoty- ledonary stem or hypocotyl, while the lower part is the primary root .~-. Ibrahim, with roo,000 soldiers and numerous elephants, advanced against him. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. This is called NOMINALISATION. The truth is that the days were too short and the roads too bad for Napoleon to carry out the full purpose his "general advanced guard " was intended to fulfil. There he continued his studies with ardour, made himself yet more master of Plato and Plutarch, and became especially advanced in theology under the venerable G. As the crusaders advanced to Jerusalem, says Raymund of Agiles (c. Entering the church at an early age, he was rapidly advanced until in 1313 he was made bishop of Beauvais. Whether this justifies Wagner's successors and imitators in showing a constant preference for passages of which not even the general outline is practicable; whether it justifies a state of things in which the normal compass of every instrument in an advanced loth-century score would appear to be about a fifth higher than any player of that instrument will admit;, whether it proves that it is artistically desirable that when there. He remained at Lincoln, did nothing to prevent the defeat of Essex's army in the west, and when he at last advanced south to join Essex's and Waller's troops his management of the army led to the failure of the attack upon the king at Newbury on the 27th of October 1644. The army advanced as far north as Dunottar, in Kincardineshire, while the navy sailed to Caithness. from its extremity; their front was, however, only advanced by a few hundred yards and a much more pronounced success was called for to render the Allies' position in this area at all a promising one. The ground was damp but not muddy, and the troops advanced noiselessly, only occasionally a jingling of the artillery could be faintly heard. In the matter of education, Lower Austria is one of the most advanced provinces of Austria, and 99.8% of the children of school-going age attended school regularly in 1900. He still protested his loyalty to Philip, but the latter advanced against him and was slain near Verona. A CONCESSIONARY CLAUSE is used to present the opposite view before explaing the writer's view. 1 Basic sentence: The food wasn't bad, although the fish was terrible. 4 Changing the sentence identified by using INVERSION gives us the following: Finally, in conclusion, I think that were smoking to be made illegal, smokers and non smokers alike would be protected from the dangers of smoke, and a lot of money could be saved.
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