coal miners strike 1919
the District 2 convention in 1919 raised money to buy shoes for the children and wives of the strikers and also undertook a clothing drive in their behalf. However, problems arose as price increases exceeded the wage gains provided by the agreement. He criticized the actions Lewis had taken against this territory and the organizers assigned to Coral. nationalization of the coal mines. extent of the opposition led the Punxsutawney Spirit to editorialize that Howat "seems to have the support of the majority of miners of this section." The great strike wave began during a public health catastrophe. as John L. Lewis. patterns. During the summer of 1919, terror visited the Drumheller coal mining region of Alberta. He describes Mine Workers issued a circular, signed by John L. Lewis, John Brophy and other officials, which called on the miners to return to work. In November, 1919, Acting President John L. Lewis of the United Mine Workers led 600,000 miners in a five week strike that crippled the bituminous coal industry and the nation as well. He told the delegates that their comrades who died in France protest from many other proposals. long period between their trial and their eventual execution their supporters depicted them as victims of chauvinism and conservatism. In a few cases historians have produced studies of western Pennsylvania coal miners. At his behest, its members voted to comply with the injunction, but under protest. When the subdistrict's coal operators declined to return those fines, miners ignored local union officials' pleas and voted to stop work altogether. The strike was in protest of low wages and long work hours. Post Office which Ferrara assumed was part of Gelotte’s campaign in behalf of the One Big Union. in February 1921. Their resolutions reiterated the demands of the Clymer local, but added The Central Pennsylvania Coal Association demanded relief from the union as a requirement mobilized secret agents. Union officials called Legere, also a leader of the Altoona General Workers Union of the One Big Union, called for all labor unions in Central Pennsylvania to come together. B. M. Clark sought an opportunity to restart a mine because if this action produced a row he would be content "because we then the defendants from annoying the plaintiff in the conduct of his business. B. Anderson issued a sweeping injunction against the strike The operators also boasted about the powerful weapon of government support. More impressive, however, were the resolutions presented by Local 831 in Ernest which occupied ten pages of the convention proceedings. peaked in 1919, not only affected local politics and public opinion, but it intruded into the affairs of District 2. In the circular of Local Union 1386 of Officials of Local 831 contacted Brophy about this grievance and indicated that some workers would refuse The operators rejected the demands of the District 2 convention with the expectation that the membership would reject the strike option. Nevertheless, the United Mine Workers and the miners followed through with their plans. 497 called on the convention to form into one big union and to stop interfering World War One brought important changes to Indiana County coal miners. This appeal resonated in District 2 and sparked numerous resolutions by local unions against Lewis and the actions of the convention. It was a decade before miners again organized. Gelotte explained his motivation for seeking the office in a letter announcing his candidacy. Many district dissidents and others stood behind Alex Howat, President of District 14 in Kansas, [6] The miners on strike were based in the following states:[6], Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor, protested that President Wilson and members of his Cabinet had provided assurances when the Act was passed that it would not be used to prevent strikes by labor unions. Brophy wanted positive evidence that District Philip Murray, president of District 5, moved affirmation The resolution declared that the operators should have no power under the scale to remove workers from so called company houses. The Flu and the Labor Uprising. David Montgomery's The Fall of the House of Labor devotes considerable attention to coal miners and the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA). An increasingly hostile political climate added to the woes of union officials and miners in Indiana County. However, according to the operators, District 2 officers not only remained oblivious to Nevertheless, the delegates approved the scale which provided for a 27% wage increase, by an overwhelming vote and thereby drew praise from the DuBois Courier. The United Mine Workers under John L. Lewis announced a strike for November 1, 1919. abolition of the penalty clause. clause and car pushing. In 1919, around 6,500 Drumheller coal miners walked off the job after voting to join the radical and militant One Big Union. spotlight. Add to this was the ongoing steel strike of 1919, an attempt by the weakened Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers (AA) to organize the United States steel industry in the wake of World War I. 1919 in the United States saw the country undergoing the First Red Scare a period marked by a widespread fear of Bolshevism and anarchism, due to real and imagined events; real events included the Russian Revolution and anarchist bombings. The new fears associated with the Seattle General Strike fueled the politician’s Association appropriated money to employ two or three men "to work with the Treasury Department to figure out results beneficial to the coal operators under the years 1917 and 1918. and District 5, the region south of the Pittsburgh, where there were more black coal miners. The rift between the Attorney General and the Secretary of Labor was never healed, which had consequences the next year when Palmer's attempts to deport radicals were frustrated by the Department of Labor. In this unrepresentative coal town, miners were an integral part of the community who associated with other residents in civic and fraternal organizations, church groups and political affairs. He ran for Vice President of the United Mine Workers in 1920 and did well However, he This allegation brought a response from Peter Ferrara, a leader of District 2, who wrote to William B. In April John Brophy received another letter from Ferrara about Gelotte and the One Big Union. A specific concern was expressed earlier at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Central The United Mine Workers under John L. Lewis announced a strike for November 1, 1919. They had agreed to a wage agreement to run until the end of World War I and now sought to capture some of their industry's wartime gains. Legere was a national organizer for One Big Union, most likely a less threatening designation for the Industrial Workers of the World, while Speed Judge A.B. In other cases debate often turned into division as power struggles were reinforced by ideological differences. His conflict with Lewis came to a head at the 1921 Convention where a majority of the delegates voted to suspend him from office for violating a contract with the operators. The operators refused to reopen negotiations, but offered the miners a wage increase which they rejected. The striking miners were brutally repressed by “special constables” hired by the largest mining companies in … Tag: Great Coal Strike of 1919. was a crucial event for the fortunes of coal miners in the next decade. The Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser printed the minutes from a delegation of Miners of Northumberland and Durham. The injunction handcuffed union officials and organizers from communicating with their members and offering them financial Ferrara mentioned a report held received from an organizer who had seen Gelotte mailing letters at the Indiana In 1919, more than 6,500 Drumheller coal miners went on strike under the banner of the One Big Union to fight for better working and living conditions, and higher wages. These problems combined with an intransigent employer backed by the political system, embodied in the Langham injunction, overwhelmed the efforts of the strikers and the organizers. and the public’s fear of radicals and the issue became a national obsession. In this town he not only gained support from his local union, but he also built a political base which brought him The strike of 1900 was the prelude to a larger drama--the great anthracite coal strike of 1902. Finally, it condemned the editor of the United Mine Workers Journal for publishing The letters of B. M. Clark, President of the Rochester and Pittsburgh Coal Company, emphasize the new possibilities opened by the The miners' strike of 1984–85 was a major industrial action to shut down the British coal industry in an attempt to prevent colliery closures. induced some miners to return to work. Without this adjustment they predicted catastrophe for the district. The letter asked Brophy for his assessment of the accuracy of the rumor. The Coal Strike of 1919 was in many ways an aspect of the Red Scare, just as the Seattle General Strike (January 1919), the Boston Police Strike (September 1919), and the Steel Strike (September 1919) were. An official, in charge of the coal branch of taxation affairs, stated that he would put two members of his staff on the coal company cases "with the hope that he could figure out results to our benefit." The American Legion was described not compete with the lower labor costs in nonunion mines, especially in West Virginia. also sought intermediaries who would reach the officials of the Potter Coal and Coke Company and arrange for a negotiated settlement. His organizational activities for the Industrial Workers of the World including organizing timber workers in Louisiana and Texas, involvement in the Akron It described the American Federation of Labor as a menace to the United Mine Workers and called on the United Mine Workers to withdraw from its ranks. Union leaders remained concerned about his activities and Brophy and a supporter worked to counteract a circular and other statements by Gelotte. These conflicts had their dominant producer in the county, all of their mines closed and 4,500 miners walked out. [13] The agreement was signed by John L. Lewis, John Brophy and other officials, and called on the miners to return to work. strike must come from the local unions. The miners fight on alone until July, when they return to work defeated. Anderson issued an injunction against the strike, troops were placed on alert and the Bureau of Investigation The "Red Scare" issue, which After the Coral struggle a new battle emerged at Ernest as well as Valier. Strikers suffered eviction from their houses in April and many of them spent the next year living in tents (see photo below; tent colony center in District 2 than in many of the other districts of the United Mine Workers. The changed climate of opinion gave operators a chance to end the abuse they’d suffered at the hands of organized labor. the Pansy Coal Company. The federal government intervened in other ways Brophy replied that national organizers seldom informed him about their presence in the district. They provided a core of supporters for Dominick Gelotte and called on district leaders to provide Italian speakers for their meetings and special events. The strike placed the miners in contempt of court and thereby produced a fight between the government and the United Mine Workers. In November and December of 1919 the events of the national coal strike overshadowed the developments at Coral. as well. threatened to collect a fine from all of the Ernest miners because their absence from work was a strike. where mechanical power moved the coal cars. the best testimonial to his abilities. Nevertheless, It continued into 1920-1921 and affected both the the Coral, Valier and Ernest struggles did not pervade all aspects of the activities of District 2 in 1920-1921. with the operations of the company and with those workers who wanted to continue to work. In District 2 John Brophy made no effort to get the strikers back to work and they remained at home. In 1919, John L. Lewis who is the new leader of the United Mine Workers of America, called his fellow union members to strike on November 1, 1919. This detachment will be increased as rapidly as possible." Drumheller coal mining strike of 1919 Drumheller coal mining strike of 1919 A short history of a strike by coal miners organised in the syndicalist One Big Union in Alberta which was repressed by bosses and the state. end of the war or April 1, 1920, whichever came first. Strikes have been used by miners as a form of protest for centuries. He described such a policy resulted from the lack of a market rather than high wage levels. Ferrara also reported the presence of an Industrial Workers of the World organizer in Indiana who had spent three weeks recruiting members for the One Big Union. strike. However, However he most likely had a larger group of sympathizers who looked to him as a critic of the national and district leadership of the United Mine workers. He provided detailed accounts of his negotiations with representatives of the administration, especially Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson. decided to discontinue the strike. Therefore, the district Executive Board, at its April 23rd meeting attitude and decisions of Judge Jonathan Langham, who issued the injunction in the Coral strike of 1919 which led to the jailing of the local strike leader and his close associates. convened mass meetings, aroused public enthusiasm for patriotism, supported newspaper ads which condemned Bolshevism as treason, recruited deputy sheriffs and requested the dispatch of a state police unit to help maintain "law and order". the factious leaders and rebellious members of the United Mine Workers whose activities led to both programs for the social reconstruction of the United States and almost continuous strikes from 1920-23. For workers like Connolly, the Great Strike of 1919 was a huge bust. At the Clearfield Bituminous Coal Company, another major producer, almost all of its miners struck. Some union officials used this issue against their … In the An initial gas explosion triggers a larger coal dust explosion, killing 189 miners. and shows the persistence of rank and file radicalism in a generally conservative decade. Nearly a hundred years later, the 1919 Drumheller strike remains one of the most famous examples of workers’ power on the Prairies. Coal Miners' Strike; Changes to Labor Movement; Work Citied ; Steel Mill Strike 1919 . He then presented his belief that Gelotte was "employed by the one Big Union and is working in their behalf." leadership explained the move as due to financial difficulties. He declared that it was better to go to jail to defend your rights, as Debs had done, than to back down on a matter of principle. over the endurance of the miners and the aid of District 2. However many of the issues raised by the strike played a major role in the developments of the early 1920’s. Many of our readers will remember the miners’ strike of 1980s. The contract providing for the fines had been drawn up under the so-called Washington Agreement that addressed the economic pressures of World War I and … In 1917 Congress passed the Lever Act which gave the president the authority to control the distribution of food and fuel. The Executive Board concurred with this initiative and the United the electric chair." 11.a.m. One resolution condemned the inhuman blockade of the Soviet Union endorsed by the United States government and criticized our government’s role in support of the invasions of the Soviet Union. Howat condemned Lewis and his associates for their dictatorial tactics in running the union and their laxity in battling the coal operators. Howat responded of this plea by declaring that all workers should be in one big organization. The limited information about them indicates that they weren’t too numerous although very loyal. and their families which led to evictions when the miners struck. Pennsylvania Coal Producers Association at which the members expressed the fear that the railroads, the largest single purchaser of bituminous coal, would reduce its purchases from higher price suppliers and increase their orders from the lower price 1919 - West Virginia Coal Fields . The counsel for the defendants responded to these charges by denying that his clients had engaged in coercion or interference. in District 2 in his battle against Philip Murray for this post. The "Red Scare" issue, which peaked in 1919, not only affected local politics and public opinion, but it intruded into the affairs of District 2. Wilson, Secretary of Labor of the United States, to answer charges which Brigman brought against the miners and the postmaster. After the shop men rejected the entreaties of company officials to return to work, the officials These tensions would escalate later as result of differences between Lewis and Brophy over the conduct of the 1922 strike and to pay dues until district officials redressed their grievance. this impending disaster but engaged "in extending propaganda for the nationalization of coal miners and for the control of the industry by the miners. At its height in 1919–1920, concerns over the effects of radical political agitation in American society and the alleged spread of communism and anarchism in the American labor movement fueled a general sense of concern. 2 members. The delegates also called giving them a little dose of their own medicine and allowing them to freeze also.". The fear of Bolsheviks and radicals which played a role in the events of 1919 didn’t abate. Gelotte, and passed a series of resolutions. David Montgomery in The fall of the house of labor: The Workplace, The State and American labor activism, 1865-1925 links the aftermath of World War I, including the coal strike of 1919, to the events of the first half of the 1920s. The radicalism issue became entwined with the strike in Coral when public authorities, including a post office inspector, pinpointed Coral as the site of radical agitation. 499 contained several parts. among top leaders of District 2. [3] [4] Palmer also asserted that the entire Cabinet had backed his request for an injunction. The Gazette explained the issue as an attempt by the "radical element" to force a strike and applauded the success of the cooler heads. Post Office inspector for Indiana County, brought charges against R.E. Peter Ferrara, District Executive Board member from the Indiana area, wrote to Brophy in late July that "he will not stand for it" and if they’re He declared that On August 9, 1919, John Sullivan, a leader of the OBU in Drumheller, was attacked in his own bed by five men who wanted him out of town. In a more political vein, the delegates passed a resolution about the Sacco-Vanzetti Case. The car pushing issue involved the compensation to coal miners for pushing cars from side areas of the mine to the main track PART ONE. Many local unions also passed resolutions in opposition to the Kansas Industrial Court an instrument had a long record as a labor activist on the West Coast, in the South and in the Middle West. SUMMARY OF POSITION TO MIDNIGHT 23rd July 1919. Mainstream leaders of District 2 viewed these developments as dangerous and mounted The Indiana Evening Gazette noted the parallels between the confrontation at Coral and the conflict at Valier where some employees of the Pansy Coal Company struck in May 1920 in order to organize In addition to hearing speakers, the fifty-five delegates, a majority composed of miners from District 2, chose a fifteen member Council of Action, which included Dominick The United States Fuel Administration was established pursuant to this act, with Harry Garfield as its administrator. Charles Potter, former chairman of the Rochester and Pittsburgh Coal Company, provides another perspective on the issue of intra-coal industry competition. Mikesell at the expense of the United Mine workers earned them praise from both the United Mine Workers Journal and the Indiana Evening Gazette. Thus, racial tension play a less prominent role in this area then in southern West Virginia Ongoing United Mine Workers coal strike hits at the nations heart by John T. McCutcheon 1919.png 664 × 678; 345 KB. Brophy But while wages generally increased for … The formal settlement of the coal strike of 1919 left many issues unresolved for Indiana County coal miners. Herman Carletti, the District Executive Board member from Punxsutawney, echoed these sentiments in a letter to Lewis. However, racial and ethnic factors led to less divisiveness Mayor bans further marches. In April, an It was led by Arthur Scargill of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) against the National Coal Board (NCB), a government agency. The operators refused to engage in serious bargaining and by early October collective bargaining broke down and the federal [11] [12] The deal amounted to a 14% wage increase as well as an appointment of an investigatory commission to continue the exploration of the wage issue. The strike dragged on into December with unionized miners standing firm and an impasse in negotiations prevailing. The Labor Chautauqua [9] Eventually Lewis, facing criminal charges and sensitive to the propaganda campaign, withdrew his strike call, though many strikers ignored his action. to Harrisburg, led Governor Sproul to place "a small detachment of State Constabulary at Indiana which will patrol the various mining districts in that section. Moreover, he feared that "it would intensify present unrest." Pressure also built to a high point at the national level as Judge A. The results of the referendum confirmed their expectation. The resolutions of a special convention of territory 6 of District 2 which met in December 1920 illustrated the international The Rochester and Pittsburgh Coal Company also had influence with the state and local governments. lst, sprang into action. Alberta’s deadliest coal mine disaster occurs at Hillcrest, Alberta. When a large number of coal miners in the Belleville sub-district of Illinois struck briefly in early July 1919 to protest the jailing of labor activist Tom Mooney, they were fined under the terms of their union contract. The National Coal Operators the coal strike of 1919. work by the miners. The multiple offensive directed against the Coral strikers and the United Mine Workers placed a heavy burden on their limited resources. These efforts led to one deportation. By the end of Steel Strike of 1919, his ideology, flamboyant debating style and popularity among foreign born miners made the leaders of District 2 very uneasy. Position in both West and South Yorkshire is reported quiet with no prospect of disturbance or riot at present. John Brophy responded with a pamphlet which called on management to maintain its agreement with the union and asserted that slack work Horses pull coal-filled wooden mine cars underground at Newcastle Mine in 1914, three years after Newcastle opened in Drumheller. Coal strike of 1919. local at Coral, Pennsylvania. the strike as a long term opportunity although they realized it would result in immediate production and profit loses. However, demands on employers brought solidarity into UMWA ranks. In the 1920’s the miners in District 2 conducted a two front war against the operators and their political which coal miners and some of their leaders attempted to address. They channeled some of their discontent into localized strikes which they fought at Coral, Valier and Ernest. The Clearfield Bituminous Coal Company provides the best example of a "captive company" because of its connections with the New York Central Railroad and the Rochester and Pittsburgh Coal Company Their walkout left the tools of the miners unsharpened and led the miners to remain at home. Nanty Glo, signed by Gelotte, its authors condemned Brophy for accepting a scale agreement which didn’t deal with car pushing, Brophy looked to the results of the special convention at DuBois as a rebuff to Gelotte. To deal with these problems Ferrara requested that other union officials come to Indiana and merchant. the nationalization of the coal mines issue. Most protracted of all the US industrial disputes of 1919 was the mass strike in the coal fields, with sporadic strikes, national strikes, and armed battles running from 1919 into 1922. The Steel Mill Strike began when the workers were denied their request from their employers. By early 1919 several major national developments began to impinge on labor developments in Indiana County. Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for September 1920, Part I: “Famous Woman Leader of Miners” Found in Missouri and Illinois . During the week of July 4th, 1919, strikes were held throughout the country to protest the imprisonment of Tom Mooney. Miners perceived him as a voice of the report and contended that a favorable vote would prove the loyalty of the delegates to their country, their union and the officers of their organization. He denied that the union miners were Bolsheviks and he called for the reinstatement of Mikesell. to be competitive. Beyond that Sproul "perfected On 30th June 1915 nine men were killed and seven injured at Bentinck Colliery, Kirkby-in-Ashfield. A local union official wrote a letter to B. M. Clark, president of the Rochester and Pittsburgh Coal Company, in which he demanded a satisfactory scale by July 15th. In addition the delegates raised money for Sacco and Vanzetti and resolved to publicize their resolutions and to write to their labor heroes. At this point Lewis intensified his effort Lewis pinpointed the purpose The United Mine Workers coal strike of 1919 saw coal miners strike for over a month, from November 1 to December 10, 1919, for better wages. The comparative solidarity of union leaders and miners illustrated by He affirmed the existence of an organizing increasingly focused on wage reductions. The workers at the Steel mill wanted to negotiate shorter working hours, wages were they can make a living, bargaining rights, and wanted union recognition. Certain of united political backin… Some miners in Indiana County faced more pressing and immediate problems. In addition to the activities of Dominick Gelotte, other expressions of radical sentiment came from District However, press reports reflected some exception s to the immediate back to work movement. [3] He claimed the President authorized the action, following a meeting with the severely ill President in the presence of his doctor. The eviction issue produced the most emotional resolution. The Department of Justice stationed secret agents in the Indiana region to watch the United Mine Workers leaders and to act on any violation of the restraining order. in the district and very popular figure among foreign born miners, faced James Mark in the race for vice president. On 15 April (Black Friday) the miners' strike is not supported by the other parties in the 'Triple Alliance', and the Alliance collapses. anti-Soviet propaganda and called for his suspension as well as recommending that the Convention endorse U.S. recognition of the Soviet union. Howat and called on him to resign. - 24th July, 1919. In other words they are busily engaged in an attempt to sovietize the Central Pennsylvania fielded." The case involved these once obscure immigrant radicals who gained lasting fame following their arrest for robbery and murder. Although he boasted an impressive record of service to the UMWA which included three years as a national organizer, four years as a district organizer and activity as a liaison with the Johnstown steel workers in the The law, meant to punish hoarding and profiteering, had never been used against a union. the month the defendants had been convicted of contempt of court and sentenced to jail. A large crowd of workers outside the US Steel Corporation in Gary, Indiana, 1919 during the nationwide steel strike. which outlawed strikes and mandated the compulsory arbitration of labor disputes. To the extent that ethnicity became the focus of attention Italian Americans were usually in the
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