discus eggs colour
C $18.91. We specialize in the finest discus and discus-related products. January 29th, 2020: Introducing Vita Complete Colour Enhancing Fomula! He has natured dreams of a Hidden Egg Treehouse that can really blend with the natural environment is perfect Re: Discus Egg Color. This is the period where we should help ‘parents’ in gathering all fry, so you can get a complete-full batch, by reducing water level to only 25cms or lowest at the above discus upper fins. The eggs are on a sword leaf. Rather it was a Symphysodon aequifasciata axelrodi (brown discus). New hatchling are raise by […] Discus are commonly divided into color classes at shows. 500 ML AZOO PLUS PREMIUM DISCUS … Yesterday they started spawning again, but to my surprise the eggs were orange! When the eggs have made the commitment to vitelogenisis, they will continue to mature and on to spawning even if there is a disease present. Through selective breeding, numerous color varieties are available and more continue to be developed. I am not sure who is the female and who is the male, but they are both hovering over the eggs. Once they start to spawn they will spawn every few days for the next 5 weeks! Each pair are kept in its own 29 gallon tanks. That way you only have the pair and the eggs left in the tank. Our breeding pair had around 4 spawns before with clear eggs. For instance, I had a discus female who laid bright red eggs, and almost all of them were fertile. The female fans and guards the 100-200 eggs, while the male guards the area. Recent research suggests are five species of Discus, though there is some debate around this.. Remove all the other fish in the tank and place them in a different tank. report. That said, all fertile eggs should darken as time passes. The Easter egg coloring pages allow your kids to exercise their color combination skills to fill the images with unique and contrasting colors to make the pictures look as attractive as possible. Conduct an egg to young 5-6 cm fry is a little bit more complex. Thread starter 98Min; Start date Nov 25, 2018; click to view entries! If your water is hard then the eggs from a protective shell before the ***** from the male can fertilise them. Member. Close. Apr 12, 2020. One is an orange and she has a full batch of yellow eggs. Hikari Cichlid Gold Complete & Balanced Color Enhancing Diet Free Shipping. . Photography. Join our friendly community of discus collectors: Copyright © 2013-2021 Discus.com. This is to prevent both ‘parents’ from consuming their eggs. 2nd day of guarding eggs. Do a partial water change after each feeding. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. If the eggs remain transparent and no babies are born, then either you have two females who have laid eggs together or the male Discus is too young to be able to fertilize the eggs. usually by now they'd have gotten rid of them especially with a fungus on them, Discus Strain Catalogue ( member submitted-- Strains galore! Brand New. Time left 2d 7h left. HOW SHOULD I... read more, Your breeding pair of discus has spawned, the eggs have hatched, and the parents have successfully guarded the wigglers.... read more, My name is Michael Wells, owner of my own hatchery. The fry are then moved by the parents to a different area where they are attached by sticky filaments to this new site. At Discus.com, you will find some of the rarest and most sought-after strains of vintage and original discus bloodlines available in the hobby. 5. Once they are slightly larger, we start to feed them newly hatched brine shrimp. Get a turkey baster and suck up all the babies and put them in the new tank by themselves. They will eat the slime/mucus off the sides of the parents. From United States +C $15.23 shipping. Discus fish pair with a mate, when they begin the breeding process. As for raising artificially, we have not had any luck with them. Add Methylene Blue - Adding Methylene Blue to your discus breeding tank after they've finished spawning will help protect the eggs from bacteria and fungus. A million thoughts start running through your mind. 4 sold. If you discus laid eggs- no need to worry. Selling my breeding pair Any questions just message or call me $350 Favourite. Discus are commonly divided into color classes at shows. Colour Of Discus Eggs. Another way to divide domestic discus is by color. This can be in your community... read more, WHY IS DISCUS BREEDING PROFITABLE? Don't worry if the discus lay eggs directly on the floor, as long as the parents are defending the eggs from other fish. . Some of these coloring sheets feature only the eggs while in others they are accompanied by the Easter Bunny. Otherwise, make your own mixture of egg yolk and other materials. Although the fish itself wasn’t a true red discus. Breeding Our breeder pair are about 2-4 yrs old. Feb 21, 2014 - ichthyologist: “ Discus Fish (Symphysodon spp.) 100% Upvoted. Add Methylene Blue to prevent eggs from being damaged by fungus. Also… (or perhaps "mostly") the success of this venture will be conditioned by all the good advices you can glean. Our breeding pair had around 4 spawns before with clear eggs. If your discus spawn in your tank, there’s not really much you can do, because you won’t have to do too much. We pride ourselves for our superb customer service and high quality discus. If the ad is up it’s still available Lay eggs once a week Please message with an offer, would like them gone tonight or tomorrow Favourite. However, those in the wild come from three sub-species distinguished by their colors. New hatchling are raise by the parents. This is very common when the pair is young. Don’t separate the Discus from the eggs, Discus are good parents and will keep an eye on the eggs. We specialize in the finest discus and discus-related products. Discus fish need to learn how to breed and take care of their fry. Hi new shrimp owner here. Aug 26, 2015 - Discus fish, the delicate jewels of the freshwater aquarium world Aug 26, 2015 - Discus fish, the delicate jewels of the freshwater aquarium world Aug 26, 2015 - Discus fish, the delicate jewels of the freshwater aquarium world Explore. This is an amazing feeling an accomplishment. For example, we are the sole breeders of discus legend Marc Weiss’ original breeding stock in the world. There are many color variations available thanks to selective breeding, and interestingly it can take up to 6 years for them to reach their best colors. In the aquarium hobby, there are two species that are commonly available: Symphysodon aequifasciatus and Symphysodon Discus. We add methylene blue to our freshly laid eggs to protect against fungi. 8 sold. $75.00 Medium red and yellow melon discus City of Toronto 24/01/2021. But have you tried all different varieties of discus fish, probably not. C $11.41. If you do not have deep pockets and want to get the most discus you can for your money, most start with buying smaller juvenile discus. Selective breeding has resulted in diverse colour and patterning variation amongst discus species. for some reason they're still guarding. Proven breeding pairs typically will sell between $200 and even beyond $1000+ for rare color variations. jake37 said: I really like that yellow discus - it is a hans discus right? Discus Breeding Level – Difficult. Egg Protection Strangely enough, other discus will attempt to eat eggs. There are invariably some Discus fanciers in the group; perhaps even a breeder or two. The white eggs will not hatch and usually the discus pair will eat the white eggs. A good source of Discus can often be located through one's local aquarium society. This lightweight ceramic cone is the perfect aquarium decoration for Discus tanks. January 26th, 2020: A Few New Discus Added; January 18th, 2020: Fish Room Tour & Interview By Friday Fish Facts Yesterday they started spawning again, but to my surprise the eggs were orange! This particular color morph has a more solid coloration than many discus fish, and it looks like an orange version of the Millenium Golden Discus pictured in a post from May 26 th, 2017. Not all eggs are layed equally. Fertilized discus eggs generally have a tan to orangish color. Is it normal for discus to darken in colour? You might have kept discus fish in your aquarium. Its face is yellow/orange with a distinctive, dark orange eye around the black pupil and the face shows through some of the white base-color as marbling. Once the babies are no longer eating off the parents and are eating only rotifers, then prepare a 20 gallon fish tank using the same aquarium water from your main tank. WANT SOME COLOUR.... LOOK NO FURTHER!! 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. Do not do any water changes until the eggs hatch. I’ve had them for only a short time before the 3 females I have became berried all at once. Likewise, eggs from hens fed marigold petals will have more orange yolks than those not provided with a source ... color lost in captivity. When the Discus are ready to spawn, they’ll find a particular site, and begin to clean it. From Thailand +C $6.34 shipping. If the discus have not visibly begun to clean the cone, recheck the water quality and ensure they are being fed consistently. They feed on the slime coat of the adult fish. The female will lay up to 400 eggs altogether, and it will lay slightly less eggs at once (50-100). just remain calm and follow these simple steps. Is there something wrong with the discus and the eggs or is it normal for this to happen? check out the. 8. November 7th, 2020: Final Discus Shipment Of The Year; May 23rd, 2020: Discus Pre Order & Black Worm Update; January 30th, 2020: Discus Pairs and Tank Bred Altums!!! Where am i going to put over 100 discus babies? 4. If a pair of discus fish start hanging out together in a corner, cleaning a spawning area, or acting aggressive to other discus, this is likely a male and a female discus, and they should spawn soon. This fish has bright orange all-over color with a pale face and clear caudal fin. We do not use breeding cones. Make sure you keep the lighting schedule regular, as it affects the Discus spawn time. 3. Thank you, Irfan Ahmed. Class 9 Open Pattern (Any pattern such as Albino Spotted, Albino Snakeskin, Golden Leopard Snakeskin etc.) Brand New. Eggs colors | Eggs coloring ideas | Discus egg color | Coloured eggs | Funny eggs Art. If there are items you are looking for but can’t find on our state-of-the-art website, please contact us and we will do our best to find what you need. Help/Advice. A larger female Discus will be able to lay more eggs. Many breeders smear egg yolk to the side of the tank for the fry to feed on. save. Their colored appearance depends upon the geographic location of their natural habitat, which is usually deep and still backwater, where the submerged trees and plants gives a very flourishing place to these pretty fish. The young will be placed, by the parents,... read more, Gender identification of a Discus Fish is nothing short of challenging. Our breeding pair had around 4 spawns before with clear eggs. C $19.01. 2 sold. Pair bonding is a difficult task, but you can find signs to help identify when this is happening to your discus … After all eggs are laid (discus stops swimming in vertical direction), I usually put a stainless wire cage to protect the eggs. After 3 days of the babies eating off the parents, start feeding rotifers to the babies. 4 breeding pairs of discus! Hikari Cichlid Gold Large 250g. This is their 5th batch. Depending on the strain of the discus, some will look darker than others when laid. Brine Shrimp Eggs; Carophyll Colour Enhancer; Discus; Discus - Breeding Pairs; Food; Freeze Dried Black Worms & Brine Shrimp; Japanese Koi; Koi; Live Food Cultures; Plastic Air Stones ; Vita Complete Tropcial Fish Food; Water conditioner; Our Newsletter Your First Name: Your Email Address: Home; Discus; Discus. If you can see my tank, they are the blue and yellow discuss on the left side. It is critical that partial water changes are performed after every feeding! Hikari Cichlid Staple Complete & Balanced Daily Diet Free Shipping. The eggs will be small and mildly opaque spherical structures. That said, they are not for beginners for a variety of reasons. Visibility Lastly, you are observing discus in a large tank, so if a pair decide to become parents, you want to be able to quickly observe who are the parents and if the eggs are viable. The temperature of the tank is being maintained at 30 deg Celsius 5. Class 10 Blue (Blue Diamond, Cobalt, etc.) Once they have been wormed and have had time to settle the colour will come back I'm sure ... My two largest discus fish laid eggs!!! If the eggs were fertilized they will be a gold or some other non-white color. I’ve read and done lot of research. I don't expect the eggs to live, but what an amazing sight!!! I noticed that I had been feeding it with freshwater shrimp eggs (Macrobrachium) which enhanced its color to red. Colour of Discus Eggs. Transform your hobby into a business! Discus fish are about 2 inches long when they are born and can grow up to 6-8 inches in diameter. Peat water still works wonders on soft-water fish; its usage is well documented and should not be ignored. Common name Commonly referred to simply as Discus, they may also be identified by their colour variety as well. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. So you’re not enhancing color, you’re restoring it. A second sponge filter is … The excitement is then quickly interrupted when worry and concern takes over. FinalFins. Discus fish are some of the most brightly colored freshwater fish in the world. Discus fish need to learn how to breed and take care of their fry. The process involves some work but it is very exciting! Scientific names There are two species of Discus, which have been divided into the following sub-species. Discus Eggs and Fry. All rights reserved. Discus fish will often use the spawning cone to lay their eggs on. Separate the pair with the eggs from the rest of the fish in the tank. Discus Sympysodon sp. Yesterday they started spawning again, but to my surprise the eggs were orange! The temperature of the tank is being maintained at 30 deg Celsius 5. Discus eggs are 'calcifugous' the integrity of the egg membrane being dependent on the lack of calcium in their water. Also, if the eggs are not fertilized properly, they will get moldy. All discus are sold out. This may result in slower growth than the rotifers method, but it may be cheaper or easier. I have a clear, with red saddle and tail and a little yellow. January 29th, 2020: Introducing Vita Complete Colour Enhancing Fomula! Don't be surprised to find a kindred spirit in your own backyard; the cult of the Discus is far reaching! . Photography Techniques. November 7th, 2020: Final Discus Shipment Of The Year; May 23rd, 2020: Discus Pre Order & Black Worm Update; January 30th, 2020: Discus Pairs and Tank Bred Altums!!! There are four main strains of discus fish and dozens of color morphs branching off from each strain. Unlike the Angelfish, with the exception of the ventral fins, the fins of the Discus are far more compact. They can live up to 15 years, but most live for around 10 years. Rotifers look almost like saw dust. 6 sold . The eggs hatch in 2-3 days and the parents aide the hatching fry by gently nibbling on the egg casings. To know that your discus keeping skills have come to a point where your water parameters, maintenance and feeding is perfect. I hope this helps you the next time your discus laid eggs! 05-04-2012, 03:41 AM The eggs that turn opaque, or as you refer to it as orange sherbert, are not fertile. There are many color variations available thanks to selective breeding, and interestingly it can take up to 6 years for them to reach their best colors.
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