Same concept. Stop your ruler from slipping while cutting fabric... Men's Shirt to Women's Cardigan Refashion, {Cutting fabric straight© ShannonSorensen}, {Stop your acrylic ruler from slipping while cutting fabric © ShannonSorensen}, {Perfect straight edge for cutting fabric: acrylic ruler + shower handle © ShannonSorensen}. Pat any wrinkles out with a C-thru ruler or a nylon spatula. Minky Fabric Sewing Tip #4: Use double pinning to keep minky fabric stable Just as we mentioned how minky stretch influences cutting, stretching can also be a bit of an issue when sewing. Stop your ruler from slipping while cutting fabric: Great Sewing Tip! I found with the rotary that tipping it on an angle causes the ruler to slip. 20 var pTitle = bsrpg_showTitle ? R... How To Properly Thread Your Sewing Machine Needle, How To Easily Stabilize Your Quilting Rulers, New York Beauties & Flying Geese Blog Tour, How To Fix Curvy, Uneven, or Ruffled Seams. When you are doing routine straight cutting with a quilting ruler, you will save both time as well as fabric using a ruler. That's exactly where this quilting hack came from. 12 Article from Room Decor. Buster's Deals. 6 Crystal Clear Strips 11¾" x ¼" x 1/16" Slide easily over your fabric when lining up, but just a little pressure will lock your ruler in place while cutting. Pin the pattern to the fabric and underpaper, and then cut. Did they work? Acrylic rulers are long lasting. You will be cutting different types of fabrics with your ruler, ... How do I keep my quilting ruler from slipping? 08 var html = ['
']; The reason for this is because the measurements are printed on the WRONG side of the ruler, and that is the side that should be up against your fabric. Prevents Ruler Slipping When Cutting Fabric. The other day, I cut the sticky portion from one end of a flexible fabric band-aid and stuck it on the ruler--works a treat! A good ruler is great! Do not unpin the fabric from the underlying paper until you're ready to sew that piece. I know we have fine sandpaper in the garage all the time. If you have trouble keeping your ruler from sliding out of alignment while you cut, or your rotary cutter veers off course, or your cuts end up too narrow or too wide, there are two cutting rulers that can really help. When your ruler slips while you are cutting fabric it can't ruin your day. I do keep my three strips for repeat use but I do very little applique so one roll of freezer paper is a life time supply. 28. When you position your hand on the ruler, place your little finger off the ruler on the fabric, that helps to stabilize it. That, combined with the fact that so far I haven't done any quilting that requires lots of intricate cutting. My husband ended up cutting my fabric for me so there wouldn’t be wastage. Mel enjoys tweeting and watching HGTV home reno shows, wandering antique shops, drinking good coffee, and listening to music. 26 } No more veering away or going up and over the ruler. 05 //'); Quilting Room .. Quilting rulers usually come with non-slip rings or gripper dots to prevent slipping, but if yours don’t have any, you can put a weight upon the ruler or just press it with your fingers. 11 var postTitle = post.title.$t; Reply. She also taught me to hold the little finger of my left hand snug on the fabric up against the left edge of the ruler to help keep it from wandering. Our product recommendations in our blog posts are another way we try to provide you with easy access to quality products we've tried &/or recommend. Your piece will be off and if your luck is anything like mine you won't have enough fabric to cut more. Mel wants to make sure her favorite quilt patterns from the past stay relevant in today's quilting world. This way I can use up the old stuff. I found this tip on Bonnie Hunter's quilt blog to make your rulers non-slip. Scissors We recommend you purchase a quality pair of scissors that are sharp. Cutting fabric is easy, but knowing how to do it the right way can make your sewing project easier. To solve this problem, many manufacturers of quilting rulers now offer a no-slip version. 16 if (links[j].rel == 'alternate') break; 09 for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) { TrueGrips - another grip that goes on the back of your ruler to keep it from slipping. I use an OmniGrip ruler with a Lip Edge, which is great because it hooks onto the edge of the cutting mat to keep the ruler from slipping while you cut. Once I interlocked the cutter guide on the My Comfort Cutter to the ruler track, I was cutting straight every time. I purchased it in my local supermarket. Oct 14, 2013 - Cheap tip to keep ruler from sliding on fabric. Now I need to see if I have any!!! 13 var newImgUrl = orgImgUrl.replace('s72-c', 's' + bsrpg_thumbSize + '-c'); c/default+image.png'; ♥, © ShannonSews/SSorensenDesigns. I have put the plastic non slip on the ruler and that helps. How to Keep your Rulers from Slipping Here's my cheap and easy method to keep my rulers from sliding and slipping on my fabrics. 10 var post = entries[i]; Recreational Room. Thanks again Mel!!!! Use an OmniEdge(TM) ruler to cut straight and bias pieces. Isn't it nice to find a much cheaper DIY version of something?! So, when I was at the grocery store I looked in the bandaid isle and found a tape by 3M called Nexcare. I promise the last step of the mystery quilt is coming. 19 var imgTag = '

', item, '
'); Below is a pic of three spots of nail polish awaiting a sprinkling of salt. 27 //]]> Features: Apply to the Corners of Your Rulers & Cutting Templates to Minimize Movement While Cutting Fabric; Round Adhesive Fabric Grips; Quantity: 36 Size: 3/8" Diameter; By WH Collins Inc; Most Orders Ship Within 24 Hours M-F. Stop By Our eBay Store For More Great Deals! Explore. And really, we keep it around in case we need it but thankfully we seldom do. 04 // Free to use or share, but please keep this notice intact. Use Nexcare medical tape. Paul wanted a leather pillow for the couch to nap on. Remember in the last step where I said to pay close attention to the order of your ... Kraft-Tex Oversize Pinwheel Pillow To Update Your Decor Today. Most rulers come with a pre-drilled hole which you can use to hang the ruler on a wall mounted peg board. Your piece will be off and if your luck is anything like mine you won't have enough fabric to cut more. My first attempts at cutting fabric strips was quite dismal I must say – the ruler kept slipping and strips were not very straight which meant lots of fabric wastage. Or from trying to keep the cutter against the ruler, you go up and over the ruler and nick the top of your fingers. something that worked real well as it held the ruler good and tight and did not scratch the ruler. Choosing an Acrylic Quilting Ruler. Both rulers have preset slots in them that keep your cuts straight and true. I have it on 1 of my rulers and it helps with the slipping. imgTag + pTitle + ''; The non-slip material is fantastic. bsrpg_thumbSize + '"/>'; Press the ruler down firmly, take a short cut, if you have to make a long cut, stop and reposition your hand on the ruler before you keep cutting. The ruler’s 1/8” lip, also known as a channel, catches on the edge of the cutting mat—working similar to a T-square—to prevent slipping during cutting and is easily removed to use the OmniEdge like a regular ruler.
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