micu vs sicu vs cvicu

micu vs sicu vs cvicu

List of 22 MICU definitions. Needless to say, I don't know anything about neuro. Sometimes with our trach patients or chronic vents we also get them up to the chair. I had thought about PICU, but wasn't sure if it would be right for me. A number of our pulmonary physicians are experts in the care of patients who are in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU). (if they can ambulate, depends on fractures ect. We have a 2:1 ratio here most of the time. I would only add that you should be thinking that you are going to work in both MICU and SICU sometime and in a CCU also. We also do start IS with the patients as soon as we can because that would just increase the number of pneumonia patients if we did not start right away. Also, in your SICU do you do a lot of ambulation and incentive spirometery, or is most of that done once the patient is in stable condition and on the step-down unit or surgical floor? Rarely will we get a 3:1, and on those times when you get that triple, time management is your best friend. Thank you! I do not know much about other hospitals but at mine we do not hire new grads to CVSICU but do selectively to ICU. I wouldn't trade it or the experience I have gotten for anything. Sometimes we have patients that are very sick and need a lot of one on one care and other times we have a patient that has had a major procedure, but does well after. Should I not sedate my paralyzed patient?? The smaller patients were much easier on my body and kids often heal much faster and more completely than do adults. Resident staff are largely used to preform proceedures that requier a doc- central line placement, art line placement, x-ray evaluation of line or lung status, chest tube placement and on very rare occasions cracking the chest when a patient tamponades. I was great with two stable vents or three feeder growers. Thank you! Just one example of many. I got in at Mercer and TWU and got interviews to every other place I applied (declined other interviews due to getting in in my home town). In my hospital there is no difference in the expectations of RN's in CVICU, STICU, MSICU, and NICU. That is not to say there is no overflow. I just had a few questions regarding both MICU and SICU. I am currently a nursing student, but I have a few questions regarding MICU vs. SICU. cvicu vs sicu, Methodist Hospital is the flagship facility in San Antonio’s renowned South Texas Medical Center. You are too funny! I think the schools feel if you know your specialty inside and out then you can be taught anything. Currenlty we do not have Trauma, but will take it back in January! Where I work, they will also take thoracotomies as overflow occasionally. With the SICU position I would also be trained for their CVICU. I'm all for new grads starting in high acuity ICU's. Generally these patients are severely ill, and require intensive, round-the-clock care from a highly trained group of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. You will see most of your patients get better. Specializes in Post Anesthesia. Specializes in around 25 years psych, 10 years medical. that for a new nurse sicu would be a little harder to adjust to because of the variety of patients as oppose to cvicu where you can kind of expect and predict what will happen. It is a general SICU that gets all trauma, neuro, and, of course, surgery pts. Has 3 years experience. Bolts, ICP, Brain stem injuries, CVA, etc. In some hospitals, a CCU is a critical care unit, which is the same as an ICU. I am currently working in an SICU at a level one Trauma Center, where we also have an MICU that I have floated to a couple times. My mom works in a CVRU/CVICU that takes mostly post-open heart and vascular surgeries, but it's so specialized that it's hard to tell how other ICUs would be just by visiting it. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. I would be terrified to start out in PICU as a new grad, but I would love to have such an awesome opportunity. Many are also obese/morbidly obese and can be physically challenging to manage...especially as one gets older. Just remember you need to have confidence in yourself, your skills, and your team members....and never be afraid to ask a question. Neurogeek, you are my hero... :pumpiron: Sure hope I have a classmate that's strong in neuro so that I can learn a thing or two before I begin my clinical phase of anesthesia school. Whether it be SICU, Neuro-ICU, CVICU, MICU, or CCU. I've been thinking about your advice, and I am now adding PICU to my list of ICUs that I am considering working in. I am thinking about a job change, but I am not sure what would be the best fit. The mind is still as sharp as ever, but the body sadly does not keep up with the mind. You can literally walk out of the room with a PICU patient and they will look fine....vitals are fine...labs are fine...and then they rapidly decline without the all the warning signs that adults will give. Believe me, I am going to rely heavily on my classmates with CV experience during school! It is easy to feel like you have too much to do sometimes, and not enough time. I can't wait to begin work as an ICU RN, and, since there a lot of ICU jobs open to new grads in my area, I hope to start directly after I graduate. Specializes in Holistic and Aesthetic Medicine. I think a unit job for a new grad can be either a good or a bad thing. As a MICU nurse, you will still have complex dressing changes to do (no burns though....something that I much preferred to do the burn unit nurse if I had to do it at all). That was a great post. The units that tend to not share (again, this pertains to my three hospitals) are Neuro ICU and CVICU. My SICU is also the Trauma ICU. MICU -position is at the main hospital of the 3 hospital campuses in the network -located at an 800 bed teaching hospital -24 Bed MICU -has other ICUs as well (SICU, PICU, CVICU, etc) -slightly longer commute ~25mins -can only start once she passes her NCLEX (~1 month from now) -hospital is not in as nice area as the other position Kids can also compensate better than adults do before they crump. Brett has a good answer. Do you want a person with a lot of dressing changes, hypovolemia/septic shock patients after a bowel perf, or do you want a pneumonia/COPD/DKA type of patient. Although I am not an SI nurse I do love my ICU job. LEGO Baukästen Sets-LEGO 40138 40139 Xmas 2015 Exclusives NEW MISB 91095vkwl31167-schneller Versand weltweit - www.allevamentojackrussell.biz Good luck!! We have many resident programs but we as competent nurses have to carefully review the orders of the residents because lets face it, they DO NOT know what they are doing!!! We all titrate drips on our own and expect changes in minutes. This tends to be trumped by a Neuro ICU or a Cardio ICU if that's where they're more appropriately placed. No patient changes as fast as a neuro patient (now you're awake...blink....now you herniated & died). It is easy to get caught up in caring for your patients in the unit. When the ICU split into MICU and SICU in the 70s, I chose to go to MICU simply because I didn't care for some of the surgical attendings. I do agree that working in more than one ICU would be a good plan, and I hope to have worked in at least two before I retire. Basically, my main question is this: what is a typical day like for you in surgical ICU? I figured that surgical/trauma ICU would be pretty close to the ED without all the negative aspects. I got burned out on MICU nursing...physcially and mentally...towards the end of my career. i went straight to cvicu from nursing school, and it's not predictable. Looking for online definition of CVICU or what CVICU stands for? In MI we get, as others have said, the exacerbation of the chronic illness patients. If you don't ask, you can never learn the answer! SICU tends to have all of the underlying medical issues that the patients in MICU/CVICU have but those acute/chronic illness are general complicated by a surgical procedure and the body's stress response. Without that extra experience I think it would be very hard to start out in the ICU, especially SICU, as a brand new grad. I had thought about starting in an adult ICU just to gain experience and then possibly moving to PICU if I needed a change of scenery. LKW Busse-hell-patinagrün, DKW 00001 V26 Plastik Siku RV Sonderklasse, 60 1 ca. Thank you! We have it for 1 year and then it switches. I remember the old days when it was just "ICU"...and even before when critically ill patients were simply placed closest to the nurses station when there was no ICU! Hi guys, MS1 here. I think it depends on what type of patient you want. I always thought it would be ten times harder, and I was a bit frightened at the prospect of taking care of such critically ill children. It was very helpful to hear from someone who has first hand experience. Currenlty we do not have Trauma, but will take it back in January! Just two days ago I had one write an order to start a nimbex gtt and the very next order said wean propofol as tolerated????? SICU vs. MICU is how the patient's care is being managed. It brings a lot of "trauma drama" to the department, but I love every part of trauma. 23, hell-patinagrün, Sonderklasse, DKW 00001 V26 Plastik Siku ca. Had I stoped doing adult earlier, maybe I would also have my original knee that needed replaced the month after my retirement and was the reason I had to retire from critical care nursing. The very tiny premies (23-24 weekers) and the complex chronics were not my cup of tea and I rarely took care of that population for the good of the patient and my license. Specializes in CAPD, Chemotherapy, ICU, General Med. MICU tends to be acute exacerbation of chronic health problems (COPD, CHF, ESRD, etc.) I do have a passion for critical care, I've wanted to be an ICU nurse since I was six, and I hope I will be good at it. Our hospital is very busy and sometimes we get IMC overflow. Specializes in Mental health, substance abuse, geriatrics, PCU. Sometimes with our trach patients or chronic vents we also get them up to the chair. Even if the residents cover the CVSICU the attendings expect the nurses to oversee the patient care and alert the attending if a resident is in over his head. Sad, but true. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. I also had some ethical issues in the NICU. Truth be told, I would work in any ICU: neurosurgical, burn, surgical, medical, pediatric, neonatal; I wouldn't refuse a job in any of the ICUs. Do the MICU patients tend to be more chronic and long term, and do the SICU patients tend to be more acute and quick to leave the unit? We love trauma and love taking care of the trauma patients. As far as lines and drips go, I think you will see them in either unit. I think that either place would be a fine place if you are wanting critical care. Some will have quality of life issues, but not the majority. Thank you to everyone, these answers are just the type I was looking for. When you start going down this path, I would choose whichever ICU has the manager you feel best about. At the same time, kids are strong. Hope this helps. I have seen others who have struggled with some basic things I learned when working on the floor, like time management. I think that if u r planning on CRNA it doesn't matter what unit, but what the acuity of that unit is. I want to experience as much, and learn as much, as I can. It really doesn't matter when you break it all down. COPD, CHF, DKA, etc. Specializes in Adult ICU/PICU/NICU. They get adults and a small number of peds. At all my interviews I was only asked questions on my specialty. I dont mean to offend anyone who thinks i'm implying cvicu nursing is easy WHICH I DEFINITELY DON'T THINK. Work where you want and do what interests you as long as you get good experience. Has 5 years experience. I'm glad to hear that other ICUs aren't routine and by the book, and that they tend to be more diverse and exciting. Sometimes we have patients that are very sick and need a lot of one on one care and other times we have a patient that has had a major procedure, but does well after. Most hospitals in my area have combined their SICU with their TICU, and they have one large surgical/trauma ICU. The second job is in a 300+ bed hospital on SICU. I like the idea of having to constantly adapt my nursing care and my thinking in order to provide the best care I possibly can for my patients. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. What does MICU stand for? Whichever unit will provide you the best orientation will likely be the best place to go. Think about it there is nothing you would not have dealt with (short of neuro) every patient comes out intubated, with triple lumen central line, swan ganz catheter, chest tubes, arterial line, multiple drips, and very often on a balloon pump. It is the other way around!! The main differences between our units are that SI tends to get more of the neuro patients. I've worked mainly for county & military hospitals, with one exception, and that was still a level II trauma center. SI does get some ODs or Resp Failure every now and again, and we can get some surgery patients. Is SICU more fluid based resuscitation where MICU is more pressor and vasoactive drugs? The hospital I'm at is almost always short on all ICU beds, plus we have sizeable stepdown units for less critical patients, so both the SICU and MICU pretty much guarantee you'll have patients that are on death's doorstep. I'd really appreciate some feedback on this. Part of the draw of critical care nursing, in my opinion, is the incredible knowledge base required, and the ability to be able to go with the flow and change nursing care and treatment based on the individual patient and their needs. Lots of septic, hypotensive, dry, clinically unstable patients at times and at other times they are stable as a rock. MICU vs SICU: Similarities and Differences - Nurse Money Talk If the SICU fills up, MICU tends to take the rest; and vice versa. Generally, kids are not that easy to read...they keep you on your toes. There are lots of things to learn from all the 'specialties' and to be the best nurse you can be you should experience them all before you lock yourself into one unit and plan to stay forever. We don't have a neuro ICU but most of the neuro cases come to our MICU rather than SICU. It's all relative to the facility. Critical thinking comes with time, but acute & frequent managment of gtts, vent settings, CVVHD, etc. Some of it is very difficult, but I think in a way can make you a better person! that they may have!). Jahrgang Manufacture-made mini komatsu 25 1 SK07 Diapet in loader 3sets yonezawa K-38 K-44 japan 91095vkwl42042-Sonderangebot - www.allevamentojackrussell.biz Most programs like the Cardiovascular ICU-like some people on this thread said, contact the directors for each program and find out if they have any preference for the ICU they like and take it from there. Do you like your work environment, and if so, could you tell me a little about what it's like to work in SICU? You just never know. We love trauma and love taking care of the trauma patients. I work at a Level I trauma center in the Neuro ICU. What??? We have a great ICU internship program, which I think turns out some pretty great nurses. We had great technology to save these babies, but there were oftentimes quality of life issues that were challenging for me...and the real NICU nurses as well. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. First, as said before, much of your population is chronic. After reading your post, I feel like this is true, and I'm certain that SICU is where I want to work. It was a nice change of pace, and I loved the staff that I worked with, but I would not have wanted to spend my entire career in the NICU. When you have a vent and drips that need titrated is where your skills come into play. Generally, SICU patients are younger, but in both units you will still find that many of the patients are geriatric. It is no longer something that the MD's are using in our facility. A critical care bed is a critical care bed......regardless of the name of the ICU above the door that enters the unit. I know that every ICU is going to have some monotony to it, but I think a unit where you see varied, and very critical and challenging patients would best suit me. I think a good critical care nurse can work in either. CVICU is for post CABG patients. My hospital currently shares the Trauma service with another hospital in our city. Very specialized. As an SICU nurse, many of your patients. The patients are critical and very hands-on for the first day, and after that they are all well and up and about. We had a recent meeting with our head Trauma MD and we are looking into ambulating patients that are on the vent! CCU gets all of the acute MIs, flash pulmonary edema, post arrests from the floors, temporary pacers, PTCAs, pericardial windows, and those types of fun things. So if you think SI is for you I say go for it. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site. come from practice. Although if it is a neuro patient, critical like CVA on a mannitol drip, SI will always get them. 1-612-816-8773. I felt like I was simply prolonging life and destroying my own body in the process......so I ended up cutting down my hours in MICU and reinventing myself...as a PICU/NICU nurse. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. I think it depends on what type of patient you want. I guess shadowing will be the only way that you can decide. 23, 91095vkwl21408-100% authentisch - www.allevamentojackrussell.biz I myself started this job with just over 2 years of intermediate care experience and it was still pretty hard to adjust to the ICU setting. Each day they hang the same drips, see the same surgeries, draw the same lab work, and follow the same protocol down to the letter as they did the day before. A MICU is a Medical Intensive Care Unit, where patients need critical care for non-surgical reasons. Change in the patient is expected over days not minutes, and there are more patients- so more staff to back you up if you do get in trouble. e.g Pneumonia, Ebola, Poisoning, Unstable heart rhythms etc. Outside of your CV-Surgery population very little becomes routine with the patients in the other ICUs. We also do start IS with the patients as soon as we can because that would just increase the number of pneumonia patients if we did not start right away. mixed alone with acute illness (Pneumonia, DKA, Sepsis, ARDS, etc.). You have to know everything, medical and surgical there. The surgeons were familiar with the SICU nurses and had a very close working relationship and had a trust for the SICU nurses. However, thoes of us from the old days could freely work in both units if one was short staffed and we were equally comfortable working either. Recovery of post-op surgical thoracic surgeries is very by the book. that for a new nurse sicu would be a little harder to adjust to because of the variety of patients as oppose to cvicu where you can kind of expect and predict what will happen. Most of the patients do get better....and when you're pushing 60 (oh to be 60 again!) I still feel sometimes with my 2 patients like there just isn't enough time, and that's normal. In my SICU we see a lot of cardiothoracic patients so we get a lot of pt's with swans and on multiple vasopressors, which I don't think the MICU sees quite as many of. We do start ambulating our patients as soon as we can or at least get them up to the chair as soon as they can. If I would have had to do my career all over again, I would have been a PICU nurse from day one. I think this sounds like a very cool combination, but I would like to hear an opinion from someone who has actually done surgical/trauma ICU work. I have seen new nurses come into the unit since I started and some have done very well. You guessed it the CVICU nurse, catching on yet? I want to work in a unit where I am constantly learning new things, always expanding my horizons, and really caring for the most critically ill in the hospital. We do start ambulating our patients as soon as we can or at least get them up to the chair as soon as they can. They follow a pathway and it's very boring for some. Everything in her unit seems very routine, and the nurses rarely deviate from their set protocols and standards. I was offered a SICU position at a large teaching hospital. Some of the finest neuro ICU nurses I've worked with came into our unit as new grads & with many hours of class & bedside training became outstanding! Thank you again for your advice, it has been wonderful. Brett already pointed out a lot of differences, which I would agree with. Does the typical SICU patient have more in the way of Swans and invasive lines? Some of it is very difficult, but I think in a way can make you a better person! I guess shadowing will be the only way that you can decide. My SICU is also the Trauma ICU. Will you be with one preceptor or a different one each day? Has 54 years experience. My first question is this: what is the main difference between MICU and SICU? Specializes in cardiac/PACU/SICU/Trauma ICU. The SICU nurse needs to be adept and managing the medical problems of the patient as well as caring for the fresh post-op surgical patient. Each day they hang the same drips, see the same surgeries, draw the same lab work, and follow the same protocol down to the letter as they did the day before. Moral of the story....work where u are most happy, but go for the higher acuity setting so you'll get lots of exposure. A typical day in my unit really just depends. I may look into getting a job as an NA in a PICU close by as that seems like great advice. If someone has a lung mass, and they're getting a lobectomy, and they need vent and BP management before extubating the patient, that person is in the SICU.

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