ruthless regiment mtggoldfish
We are going to examine the precon and upgrade it with a budget of only $50. While the precon can pump out huge lethal swings or drain away opposing life totals, everything requires you to have a sizeable army of creatures to work. 14:49. So the way this partnership works is that Silvar, Devourer of the Free is our main commander, functioning primarily as a reliable sacrifice outlet for our deck while also growing into a lethal threat that can take out opponents through commander damage. MTGgoldfish is working on the text versions Clearly no, which means the post couldve been formatted better. We can safely cut cards that don't match any of the above criteria. Battle your way through the plane of Ikoria with monster-themed mechanics that grow your creatures build your bond and crush your opponents Ruthless Regiment . Check this video out for useful tips and card suggestions! Details about MTG Commander Deck Ruthless Regiment Magic The Gathering Edh Trading. To tune Ruthless Regiment into a more powerful, focused Human Aristocrats deck we're going to make the following swaps: That's what we want to add to the deck. Deck Date: Mar 25, 2020 Last edition: 14/04/2020. We've cycled through Timeless Wisdom, forked all the spells in Arcane Maelstrom, and now it's time to rally the Humans with Ruthless Regiment, a Mardu deck with two major themes, Go Wide Combat and Aristocrats, combining them into a cohesive deck with an overarching Human Tribal theme. Format: Freeform. Easily sell your cards with CardConduit. The board wipes here are pretty good. Bonder's Ornament still sucks though. 8 ramp. Deck List. Now that we've checked out the general ratios, let's take a closer look at the cards we're working with: 36 Lands. For this article, however, I'll be tuning the deck around the partners Trynn, Champion of Freedom & Silvar, Devourer of the Free. Latest Set: Eternal. I'll first go over how each preconstructed deck plays, why you should buy it, and the various directions that you can upgrade the deck and make it your own. More Magic: The Gathering Videos!- Commander VS: VS Live! Here are my favorite card options to tune Ruthless Regiment into a more focused, more powerful Human Artistocrats deck. Showcasing offbeat brews from around the internet. $20 Ruthless Regiment (Mardu Humans) Commander 2020 Precon Upgrade | Budget Commander - Duration: 14:49. At MTGGoldfish, we value your privacy. Building FNM-worthy decks without breaking the bank. 2 graveyard recursion. All emails include an unsubscribe link. Overall this is a good start, but I'd add a few more ramp cards to fill it out. Last edition: 14/04/2020. Its strategy uses Jirina Kudro to lead Humans … We can easily improve this part of the deck. In 2020 komt Wizards of the Coast met een set van vijf gloednieuwe Commander Decks! level 2. MTGGoldfish 6,892 views. 2 graveyard hate. VIDEO: Overview of the deck, strengths/weaknesses, and the $20 upgrade. As such, we're letting you know that we've updated our Privacy Policy to reflect the new rule set forth by the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The most important additions to the deck are Angel of Glory's Rise and Fiend Hunter. Illegal cards. Building janky brews based on your votes. That's definitely something we should add. Popular Commander Magic: the Gathering decks with prices from the latest tournament results. Ive also seen a general uptick in spoiler posts that just link to a video on another site with links, texts, and pictures added much later - or sometimes not at all with another poster adding them further down the thread. Human tribal is a delicate archetype for Wizards to support in my opinion. All emails include an unsubscribe link. For this article, we’ll be going into detail about the deck Ruthless Regiment. All rights reserved. Good job, Wizards! Join Crim (TheAsianAvenger), Seth (SaffronOlive) and Richard (BlackTuna) as they discuss the weekly news and answer user submitted questions. Collection changes and deck creation/edits in the last 24 hours are affected. The biggest upgrade for the deck is adding a powerful surprise "I Win" card to it. Thanks to Wizards we have an entire Commander 2020 deck to show off to you today! Deck List. Hey guys just made a new video come check it … Magus of the Wheel and Painful Truths are two other excellent burst draw, and while I'm not as high on it as others are, Verge Rangers is pretty good too in a deck with almost zero land ramp. MTGGoldfish Podcast. This video sees us look at the mardu precon, Ruthless Regiment, commanded by Jirina Kudro! Ruthless Regiment Commander 2020 Review - Cultivate E.D.H! Banned and Restricted Preview: Uro Banned in Pioneer, Modern, Historic, Commander Clash Moment #5: Godslayer Pit Spawn, Commander Clash S10 E1: Gods of Kaldheim | Cosima vs. Esika vs. Tergrid vs. Valki. The removal package is okay, but considering that Mardu excels at removal, I was hoping for a bit more. Visual View Stream Popout Here are the first cards I'd add on a $20 budget. Eventually the deck wins by attacking with a buffed up army (Adriana, Captain of the Guard), a beefed up solitary threat (Silvar, Devourer of the Free), or by pinging our opponents to death (Bastion of Remembrance). The next most important inclusion is Goblin Bombardment, which acts a superior backup to Silvar in the combo since we don't need a fourth card to win the game. I'll show you how to tune Ruthless Regiment into a more focused Human Tribal Sacrifice deck, removing cards that don't fit our theme and adding more cards that do. MTG Commander Deck Ruthless Regiment Magic The Gathering Edh Trading. Commander 2020: Ruthless Regiment. pmtg1 Ruthless Regiment Commander 2020 Review - Cultivate E.D.H! Ruthless Regiment (Budget Upgrade) Commander / EDH* Aggro Aristocrats Humans RBW (Mardu) Tribal. Ruthless Regiment is a pre-built deck for playing the Commander version of Magic, and it’s a rather good one. Maindeck 36. Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. With this and the Jeskai deck being known, it looks like they intentionally left out the Guild Signets of the 3 decks containing green. The most important thing Silvar brings to your deck is a top quality sacrifice outlet. 2. share. Let's see what the rough ratios are for Ruthless Regiment and how it compares: Ruthless Regiment raises some red flags with its thin manabase, but otherwise the other aspects look to be about right at a glance. Finally, here's how Ruthless Regiment looks like with the $200 swaps installed: Ruthless Regiment is fairly open-ended in what direction you take it, and I hope you enjoyed this version that focuses on the Aristocrats theme. Then sacrifice the Hunter, returning the Angel to the battlefield, which reanimates the Hunter again. Mana curve For a creature-heavy deck in Mardu I would hope for some better graveyard recursion. COMMANDER SETS Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths. Let's check out the preconstructed list: Out of the box, Ruthless Regiment does a good job supporting its Go Wide Combat, Sacrifice, and Human Tribal themes. Updated May 07, 2020 by bradleyrose using our MTG Deck Builder. Ruthless Regiment Deck [ Ikoria: Commander 2020 ] Regular price £25.90 4 in stock - + Add to Cart. [C20] Ruthless Regiment Full Decklist by mtggoldfish in magicTCG [–] mtggoldfish [ S ] 0 points 1 point 2 points 10 months ago (0 children) Ah, should be fixed now. Illegal cards. EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander 1 month ago. If you're interested in seeing me build around the other new commanders in the precon -- Jirina Kudro or Kelsien, the Plague -- please let me know in the comments section and I may cover them in the future. Id of the deck: 39105. Mana curve With Silvar, we can sacrifice Humans equipped with Skullclamp to draw cards, or nomnom all our Humans at once to drain out the entire table with Zulaport Cutthroat. MTGGoldfish 6,892 views. cc-card-invertable We've updated our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Fiend Hunter enters the battlefield, exiling the Angel. Here are the new Standard Challenger Decks for 2021! And finally here is Ruthless Regiment with the $20 upgrade installed: With a larger budget we can start trimming away the Combat theme of the precon for a more focused Aristocrats theme. Humans are a heavily supported tribe in Magic‘s history, but haven’t made a large splash in Commander. Calculating the deck price based on your collection ... Add This is a 4 mana 3/3 that generates a 1/1 Human Soldier if you attacked on your turn. Here’s the original decklist for Ruthless Regiment – you can find all the decklists on the Commander 2020 info page here. Use the options below to exercise this right, and please review our privacy policy for complete information on how your data is used and stored. Last Modified On: 4/7/2020 Market Median Low $58.84 $65.62 $22.57 Buy This Deck! Base 2020 Commander Deck - Ruthless Regiment As I often explain in my Budget Commander articles, every time I build a rough draft of a deck, I make sure I have a certain ratio of mana, interaction, card advantage, etc. Rough Drafts. Showcasing offbeat brews from around the internet. This deck cares about humans, human tribal, and playing humans. I guess you could say this deck is Runing the Standard format? If you are a resident of California, you have the right under the CCPA to opt out of the sale of personal information to third parties. If that doesn't work, we have an Aristocrat style backup plan where we sacrifice our creatures for value and win an attrition-based game. Report Save. The deck is jam-packed with powerful Humans and Human support cards, growing them into threats (Thalia's Lieutenant), sacrificing them for value (Disciple of Bolas), and reanimating them (Alesha, Who Smiles At Death). 1:51:04. Format: Freeform. Condition: New. This gives me a reference point to compare to the deck and see which areas may need improvement. Ruthless Regiment is one of five Commander Decks from Ikoria Lair of Behemoths (IKO) Each includes exclusive cards tailored to that deck—pick your favorite mechanics and dive in to battle! Now that we've checked out the general ratios, let's take a closer look at the cards we're working with: 36 Lands. Format: Commander Deck Date: Sep 5, 2020 Archetype: Jirina Kudro. With your sac outlet on the battlefield and Fiend Hunter either in your hand or in your graveyard, cast Angel of Glory's Rise, returning all Humans you control from the graveyard to the battlefield. Visual View Stream Popout Edit Edit Copy Download Registration PDF Export to Arena Set as Current This deck cares about humans, human tribal, and playing humans. We've updated our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Commander 2020 preconstructed decks have arrived, and that means it's time for another round of my $20 precon upgrade series! Alesha, Who Smiles at Death is solid incremental recursion, and Garna, the Bloodflame is a great response to a board wipe or after mass-sacrificing your board, but we can greatly improve the deck by adding one or two mass reanimation cards. Tinybones! Another day, another Precon Power-Up from Commander 2020! Build awesome Commander decks on a 20 tix budget. This is an infinite loop. We’re continuing our budget upgrade series with the Mardu Humans “Ruthless Regiment” precon deck from C20. Because the tribe is constant across nearly every plane in Magic’s history, that in turn means that just about any desired build of a human tribal deck can be easily assembled. I Agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Back to Ruthless Regiment, in Commander I generally don't want to be casting my commander multiple times, and if I am doing, it's because their ability is good enough to warrant it, not to get another 1/1 this time around. This video sees us look at the mardu precon, Ruthless Regiment, commanded by Jirina Kudro! You may opt-out at any time. Last Modified On: 4/7/2020 Market Median Low $58.84 $65.62 $22.57 Buy This Deck! Let me know what you think of the upgrade and if there's any sweet cards that I missed! Support the show and become a Patron! mardu precon ruthless regiment upgrade. 0 flexible tutors. Until then, friends ... see ya! Maindeck 36. As of Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths, there have been 2,453 Humans in the game of Magic.Perhaps unsurpringly, that makes Humans the most well-represented tribe in the game. Turn Arcane Maelstrom into a tuned powerhouse Spellslinger deck with a few easy swaps! MTGGoldfish, Inc. is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast LLC. Please take a moment to review them and accept to continue. ARTICLE: Complete in-depth guide to the deck including hundreds of card options and both the $20 and $200 upgrade options.. Edit. No vendors are currently buying this card. For the additions, we're adding more dedicated Aristocrats cards, the Godo, Bandit Warlord + Helm of the Host combo, more tutors, and significantly improving our manabase. Trynn being subpar is perfectly fine, however, because the star of this partnership, Silvar, Devourer of the Free, brings all the power you'll need in the command zone. Recruit an army of Humans, swing for big attacks, and maintain a powerful presence on the battlefield. Deck List. I Agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Cast instants to turn tide of any battle and summon creatures right at home in the middle of a magical storm. The partnership here isn't an equal one: Trynn, Champion of Freedom isn't the strongest commander. 0 surprise "I Win" cards. While a bit low in quantity, the ramp that is included is high quality: Knight of the White Orchid is a fantastic ramp card that is even better in Human Tribal, and we've got other staples like Sol Ring and all the Signets (Rakdos Signet) as well. I count 21 cards that promote a Go Wide strategy, 14 cards that promote a Sacrifice strategy, and 19 cards that either create Human tokens or support Human Tribal, with a good amount of overlap between all three themes. Ruthless Regiment is a Mardu Deck (Red, White, and Black). The best sacrifice outlets cost nothing to activate and can be used at instant speed, which is exactly what Silvar provides. Or your sac outlet can double as a finisher, like using Goblin Bombardment to ping opponents infinite times. There's a lot of variety in our card draw: our most potent options come from sacrificing creatures, with the highlights being Species Specialist, Disciple of Bolas, and the almighty Skullclamp. Either these cards are too weak (Bonder's Ornament), don't fit our Human Aristocrats theme (Parasitic Impetus), or we're just making more room for our Aristocrats cards (Frontier Warmonger). 10 card draw. Path of Ancestry is one of the best utility lands we could hope for, letting our deck passively scry a bunch throughout the game. The hideaway lands, Windbrisk Heights and Spinerock Knoll, provide super-efficient card advantage in our deck and are very easy to activate. | Budget Commander | $50, $100, $200, Budget Commander: Edric, Spymaster of Trest | Aggro Tempo | $30, $300 | Update, Budget Commander: Siona, Captain of the Pyleas | Aura Token Combo | $30, $60, $90, Budget Commander: Toshiro Umezawa | Spellslinger Control | $25, $50, $100, $200, Budget Commander: Moonfolk Tribal | Control Combo | $50, $100, $200, Budget Commander: Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle | Artifact Graveyard Control/Combo | $25, $50, $100, Budget Commander: Sram, Senior Edificer | Aura Voltron | $25, $50, $100, Budget Commander: Zada, Hedron Grinder | $25, $50, $100, Budget Commander: Gargos, Vicious Watcher | $25, $50, $100, Budget Commander: K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth | $50, $100, $200, Budget Commander: Morophon Everything Tribal | $50, $100, $200, Budget Commander: $20 Merciless Rage Upgrade, Budget Commander: $20 Mystic Intellect Upgrade, Budget Commander: $20 Primal Genesis Upgrade, Budget Commander: $20 Faceless Menace Upgrade, Budget Commander: Kykar, Wind's Fury | $30, $60, $90, Budget Commander: Morophon Devoid Eldrazi | $50, $100, $200, $470, Budget Commander: Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis | $25, $50, $100*, Budget Commander: Ayula, Queen Among Bears | $30, $60, $90, $190, Budget Commander: King Macar, the Gold-Cursed | $25, $50, $100, Blinged, Budget(ish) Commander: Nicol Bolas, Artifact Supervillains, Budget Commander: Nicol Bolas, Warped Devotion | $40, $100, $200, Budget Commander: Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion, The Big Budget Commander Update: Part 2 (Gahiji, Melek, Brago), The Big Budget Commander Update: Part 1 (Kaalia, Talrand, Darien), Budget Commander: 6 CMC Tribal | $50, $100, Budgetless, Budget Commander: $20 Subjective Reality Upgrade, Budget Commander: $20 Adaptive Enchantment Upgrade, Budget Commander: Arcades, the Strategist ($54 & $112), Budget Commander: Najeela, the Blade-Blossom ($58 & $211), Budget Commander: Tiana, Ship's Caretaker ($50), Budget Commander: Jodah, Archmage Eternal ($44), Budget Commander: Firesong and Sunspeaker ($100), Budget Commander: Licia, Sanguine Tribune ($50 & $100), Budget Commander: $20 Vampiric Bloodlust Upgrade, Budget Commander: $20 Arcane Wizardry Upgrade, Budget Commander: $20 Draconic Domination Upgrade, Budget Commander: $20 Feline Ferocity Upgrade, Budget Commander: Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest ($24), Budget Commander: Olivia, Mobilized for War ($30), Budget Commander: Selenia, Dark Angel ($38), Budget Commander: Baral, Chief of Compliance ($32), Budget Commander: $20 "Open Hostility" Upgrade, Budget Commander: $20 "Invent Superiority" Upgrade, Budget Commander: $20 "Entropic Uprising" Upgrade, Budget Commander: $20 "Breed Lethality" Upgrade, Budget Commander: $20 "Stalwart Unity" Upgrade, Budget Commander: Xenagos, God of Revels ($50), Budget Commander: Alesha, Who Smiles at Death ($56), Budget Commander: The Gitrog Monster ($50), Budget(ish) Commander: Archangel Avacyn ($80), Budget Commander: $20 "Wade Into Battle" Upgrade, Budget Commander: $20 "Call the Spirits" Upgrade, Budget Commander: $20 "Plunder the Graves" Upgrade, Budget Commander: $20 "Swell the Host" Upgrade, Budget Commander: Phenax, God of Deception ($50 or 7 tix), Budget Commander: Omnath, Locus of Rage ($63 or 14tix), Budget Commander: Purphoros, God of the Forge ($53), Budget Commander: Selvala, Explorer Returned ($57), Budget Commander: Rakdos, Lord of Riots ($40), Budget Commander: Zedruu the Greathearted, Budget Commander: Edric, Spymaster of Trest, Budget(ish) Commander: Darien, King of Jank, You want a deck with a Go Wide Combat strategy, You want a deck with an Aristocrats theme, You'd rather focus on Combat or Sacrifice themes, but not both, Ruthless Regiment (Mardu Human Aristocrats) C20 Precon Upgrade | $20, $200 | Budget Commander. If you like where this deck is going, then great! Use the options below to exercise this right, and please review our privacy policy for complete information on how your data is used and stored. Upvote 0. The best thematic option that I found is an infinite combo that involves Angel of Glory's Rise + Fiend Hunter + a sac outlet like Silvar, Devourer of the Free. 76.08 tix 5 Mythic, 40 Rare, 24 Uncommon, 15 Common. Recruit an army of Humans, swing for big attacks, and maintain a powerful presence on the battlefield. Our main win condition is infinite combos now, with attacking for combat kills being secondary goals, so we can take most of those out. The theme is humans, mostly soldiers, who will stop at nothing to win their war. Cast instants to turn tide of any battle and summon creatures right at home in the middle of a magical storm. Id of the deck: 39105. Updated Apr 08, 2020 by Dark_Jester89 using our MTG Deck Builder. 8 targeted removal. Looking to upgrade your Ruthless Regiment precon deck from commander 2020? Commander 2020: Ruthless Regiment Ruthless Regiment is a 100 card Commander preconstructed deck with a Human tribal theme, featured in Commander 2020. Ruthless Regiment. $20 Malcolm & Breeches Combo! I sort of understand their reasoning as green has better access to land based ramp, but it still feels shitty to give 2/5 decks all three signets and not the others, especially when the green ramp they get is like 2-3 cards max. Like all the precons, Ruthless Regiment comes with multiple potential commanders, each focusing on a different archetype to build around. My personal information may be used for the purposes defined in the privacy policy. My personal information may be used for the purposes defined in the privacy policy. Ruthless Regiment Upgrades (~$50) by Nitpicking Nerds. This video sees us look at the mardu precon, Ruthless Regiment, commanded by Jirina Kudro! Weekly drafts featuring a variety of formats new and old. 9 months ago. Updated Aug 03, 2020 by Exmix using our MTG Deck Builder. Similar Deck Space Auto-suggestions. 4 board wipes. Arcane Maelstrom . Card Kingdom 456.23 - 480.87 . © 1995-2021 Wizards. Share Article. Ruthless Regiment. Trynn, Champion of Freedom & Silvar, Devourer of the Free have a lot going on and I think this pairing are actually the best representation of what Ruthless Regiment wants to be doing, which is being a Human Tribal deck that attacks and sacrifices Humans for value. Another day, another Precon Power-Up from Commander 2020! I continue my yearly upgrades of the Commander set precons with Ruthless Regiment, a Human Tribal deck focused on both Combat and Aristocrats themes.While both themes can be powerful, I take the … $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00. Out of all the precons this year, Ruthless Regiment certainly Ruthless Regiment . Receive 10% off with the code GOLDFISH! No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $99+Opens in a new window or tab* No Interest if paid in full in 6 months on $99+. This deck is an upgrade of the Ruthless Regiment Commander 2020 deck. Ba dum tsssssssss. Commander: Ikoria: "Ruthless Regiment" Deck Brand: Wizards of the CoastCategory: Magic: The GatheringProduct Type: TCGAvailability: Ready to ShipLanguage: English 1 foil oversized commander card 100 card deck, including 4 legendary creatures 10 double-sided tokens 1 deck box 1 Life Wheel Trynn, Champion of Freedom is more like a happy bonus here, generating extra sacrifice fodder for our deck. By Wizards of the Coast. #8: Best Land Value Description; Sealed Box containing: 1 - 100-card deck 1 oversized premium Commander card 10 double-sided tokens 1 deck box. Silvar is a scary kitty that grows into a more lethal threat as it snacks on your Humans. Overall the deck's card draw is very good. Devout Chaplain and Dire Tactics are excellent thematic inclusions here, Terminate is solid, but we have some weaker stuff too like Nahiri, the Harbinger, which doesn't synergize in our deck. That said, adding tutors helps make the deck more consistent and flexible, so we should add some if able. There are just shy of 2,400 creatures with the type Human. These cards give the deck an infinite combo loop as described earlier when paired with a sac outlet like Silvar, Devourer of the Free, and then we win with any of our death trigger pingers like Zulaport Cutthroat or new addition Judith, the Scourge Diva. Add a fourth card like Zulaport Cutthroat to make this combo lethal. Of course, Silvar benefits from the act of sacrifice as well, permanently growing bigger with +1/+1 counters and temporarily becoming indestructible, making it very difficult for opponents to kill the kitty. If you are a resident of California, you have the right under the CCPA to opt out of the sale of personal information to third parties. EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander Please take a moment to review them and accept to continue. Share Tweet Share. Here are the first cards I'd cut for our upgrades. AlistarFiend. Most precons don't have any graveyard hate whatsoever, but this deck has not one but two excellent options with Bojuka Bog and General's Enforcer. to your collection. Browse > Commander / Jirina Kudro / Ruthless Regiment Ruthless Regiment by mtggoldfish Report Deck Name $ 64.73. We are going to examine the precon and upgrade it with a budget of only $50. Playtest v1. This deck cares about humans, human tribal, and playing humans. While I often tune the precons around the face commander, this time I opted to elevate the partner commanders up to the command zone of this deck. This deck is all about Humans. Highlighting the Pauper format where only Commons are allowed. Format: Commander Het Ruthless Regiment Commander deck van Commander 2020! mardu precon ruthless regiment upgrade. Join Crim (TheAsianAvenger), Seth (SaffronOlive) and Richard (BlackTuna) as they discuss the weekly news and answer user submitted questions. TCGPlayer 225.57 - 118.96 225.57 - 118.96 We've got some excellent fast mana-fixing that comes untapped with Command Tower, Exotic Orchard, and Unclaimed Territory, which are crucial cards that we need to curve out with our aggressive Human Tribal deck. Out of all the precons this year, Ruthless Regiment certainly has the best lands of the bunch. Latest Set: Eternal. Posted in News on April 6, 2020 . Easily sell your cards with CardConduit. Commander (vroeger EDH) is een Magic: the Gathering speltype waarbij iedere speler speelt met een deck van 99 kaarten, aangevoerd door een Legendary Creature: de Commander. We've got two more precons to cover so I'm off to work on the next one! As such, we're letting you know that we've updated our Privacy Policy to reflect the new rule set forth by the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Like we always say, fifty dollars […] They fit the Human Tribal theme while also giving the deck a consistent way to win the game. [C20] Ruthless Regiment Full Decklist by mtggoldfish in magicTCG [–] mtggoldfish [ S ] 0 points 1 point 2 points 10 months ago (0 children) Ah, should be fixed now. Learn about the most powerful format that spans Magic's entire history. Arcane Maelstrom . None of the precons come with any nonland tutors, which makes sense since this is an introductory product and new players who are unfamiliar with the deck wouldn't know what cards they should be searching for with tutors. $20 Ruthless Regiment (Mardu Humans) Commander 2020 Precon Upgrade | Budget Commander - Duration: 14:49. As always, feedback and criticism is greatly appreciated! 76.15 tix 5 Mythic, 40 Rare, 24 Uncommon, 15 Common. Item Information. Receive 10% off with the code GOLDFISH. A lot of our best cards work off our Humans dying, so it's important that we can kill our creatures on demand. Images of new cards from Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths and Commander (2020 Edition) will not show up in the lists below. Weekly drafts featuring a variety of formats new and old. Format: Commander User Submitted Deck Deck Date: Mar 25, 2020 Archetype: Jirina Kudro. This is solid stuff, but we can do even better on a budget. Much Abrew About Nothing. My general ratio is: That's always my starting point, which is then tweaked to suit the individual deck's strategy and further tweaked with playtesting. Archetype: Jirina Kudro. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. User Submitted Deck Then we're taking out most of our combat-focused cards, like Thalia's Lieutenant and Adriana, Captain of the Guard. Deck #593 General Kudro of Drannith - Duration: 12:48. Ruthless Regiment Upgrades (~$50) by Nitpicking Nerds. This time I'm taking it a step further by not only offering the usual $20 upgrade but also a $200 upgrade list as well! To try to keep our rankings as objective as possible, the way we are ranking the face commander from Commander 2020 is based on how many decks MTGGoldfish users have submitted featuring each commander since the set was fully previewed.Here, Kalamax, the Stormsire and Gavi, Nest Warden top the list, with Otrimi, the Ever-Playful lagging far behind. All original content on this page is © 2012-2021 MTGGoldfish, Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without consent. We break down the stats of the deck, the reprint value and give you 10 cards to add and 10 to remove to get it ready-to-rumble with “real” opponent’s asap. Our gameplan is to create tons of creatures, attack with them, and swiftly KO our opponents. I always find it immensely useful to figure out some quick ways to improve the deck in question. The only real stinker here is Temple of the False God, a card I've actually come around to liking in some decks, but a tricolor deck with only 36 lands and only a single source of land ramp is certainly not the correct home for it.
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