starfinder witchwarper character sheet

starfinder witchwarper character sheet

For example, if you create a depression under a wall, the wall would remain an unbroken barrier stretching across the depression. Control Gravity: Alter gravity in an area. effects beyond the game mechanics listed as options for this ability.You Science (Int), and Profession (Cha, Int, or Wis). Key Ability Score: Your Charisma score determines your spellcasting ability, the saving throw DCs of your spells, and the number of bonus spells you can cast per day, so Charisma is your key ability score. To learn or cast a spell, you must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell’s level. Resistant Armor: Grant DR 10/— or energy resistance 10 to three energy types. Wizards, Rangers, Witches etc get the animal companion automatically. Produce any effect whose power level is in line with the above effects. Also, a high Dexterity score can help you fire your weapons more accurately and dodge incoming attacks. that occurred in a parallel universe. Adventures on Absalom Station in the far future of Pathfinder's Planet Golarion. If you would gain the alternate outcome class feature at this level due to an archetype replacement, you don’t. define the cause and appearance of infinite worlds however you wish (subject Jolting Surge: Touch deals 4d6 electricity damage. Public simply sends all your rolls (except for menus) to general chat. 3 posts / 0 new . As a standard action, you can touch a willing creature to exchange the terrain beneath its feet as it moves with that of another more stable reality, allowing the creature to ignore difficult terrain. Ghost Sound: Create minor illusory sounds. paradigm shift every 3 levels thereafter. Calculated Exploitation (6th) You earn your living through swindling and defrauding others. Once an attacker has been affected by this paradigm shift, it can’t be affected by it again for 24 hours. As a full action, you cause an enemy creature within 100 feet to become trapped in its own mind, where it experiences an accelerated alternate existence, from birth to (imagined) death. This ability has a duration of concentration, during which the creature can take no actions. If you would gain the alternate outcome class feature at this level due to an archetype replacement, you gain it at 18th level instead. As a standard action, you can overlay faint outlines of yourself from multiple alternate realities, giving yourself a +1 enhancement bonus to your AC. When you do, creatures in that area must succeed at a Reflex saving throw or fall prone and take 4d8 bludgeoning damage. Starfinder Character Operations Manual p.60. Alternatively, you can expend a use of this ability as a reaction to treat a critical hit against you or an ally within 100 feet as a normal hit instead. Baleful Polymorph: Significantly shrink a creature and impose penalties. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to use any paradigm shift that you know (this does not take an action, though you still must use it on your turn, unless the paradigm shift can be used as a reaction). all possible worlds and all alternate existences at your disposal. Paradigm shifts require you to be a certain level to learn them and are organized accordingly. At 11th level, the resistance granted increases to 15. Confusion: Targets behave randomly for 1 round per level. Paradigm shifts represent your ability to pull pieces of alternate realities and briefly supplant them into your own, subtly—or radically—changing your surroundings for a time. Baleful Polymorph: Significantly shrink a creature and impose increasing penalties, possibly turning it into a Small animal permanently. Hi all, I made an interactive character sheet PDF, and would like to share for critique and use. expend. The Starfinder Fanbase for the Starfinder Role Playing Game and the Starfinder Society. Haste: One creature per level moves and acts faster. Private Sanctum: Prevent anyone from viewing or scrying an area for 24 hours. Managing Developer Amanda Hamon and Creative Director Rob McCreary sit down with the new Character Operations Manual. Remove Radioactivity: Remove ongoing radiation effects from a creature or object. You must be 11th level or higher to choose these paradigm shifts. See Invisibility: See invisible creatures or objects. Website owned by Mark von Drake. 3 of the 5 weapons on the main page had issues with correctly applying the … your level to be higher than 8th. If the spell or ability does not normally allow a saving throw, this paradigm shift allows the target to attempt one anyway. If a paradigm shift allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your witchwarper level + your Charisma modifier. In the center are several options for your sheet’s display mode. bonus to checks using that skill. You must choose whether or not to swap a spell at the same time you gain new spells known for the level. Starfinder Character Operations Manual p.60. You can target an area within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per witchwarper level), and the effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your witchwarper level. learn or cast a spell, you must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + At 8th level, the effects of this paradigm shift last for a number of minutes equal to your witchwarper level. warp reality as a spell-like You must be 14th level or higher to choose these paradigm shifts. Unlike disguise self, however, parallel form provides the mannerisms of the chosen form (though it does not confer additional abilities), and the perceived tactile and audible properties of the target’s equipment can seem different, although all of the target’s equipment must still be perceived as the same type. If your new location would cause you to be an invalid target for the triggering attack (for example, because you are out of range of a melee attack), the attack is treated as a miss. As a standard action, you can create a bubble of altered reality, projecting Success halves the damage the effect deals but does not mitigate any additional effects. A number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier, you can use one of the paradigm shifts you selected. Baleful Polymorph: Shrink a creature and impose penalties. | 13th Age SRD They have a range of 100 feet + 10 You can manipulate the earth below and the sky above, impose impossible-to-foresee adversity upon your enemies, and generally bend the nature of reality to conform to your whims and desires. This might mean that metal flooring becomes rickety and bowed, a jungle floor becomes sticky with mud, the air becomes filled with detritus, or the fabric of reality shifts in some other subtle way. Contact Other Plane: Ask questions of an extraplanar entity, with questionable results. You must be 2nd level or higher to choose these paradigm shifts. Cosmic Eddy: Whirlwind deals 4d6 damage and knocks creatures prone. Polymorph: Transform a willing creature’s form. Slow: One creature per level moves and acts slower. See for more information on the Starfinder Roleplaying Game. You must know the shift resistance paradigm shift to learn this paradigm shift. you can create an instantaneous effect, such a flash of fire from an explosion Polymorph, Mass: Transform up to four willing creatures’ forms as 3rd-level polymorph. ability. shift so that when you later swap out the same paradigm shift at later levels, Dispel Magic, Greater: Cancel multiple spells or effects. at the same time you gain new spells known for the level.You can cast any You cast spells drawn from the witchwarper spell list (see page 24). In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Intelligence at character creation. you can cast spells of that level normally. effect. At 12th level and again at 18th level, you gain one additional daily use of this ability. When you do, the affected part of its mind is replaced with a nearly exact duplicate from an alternate reality, ending all mind-affecting effects affecting the target and ending all conditions removed by greater remove condition that were imposed on the creature by mind-affecting effects.

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