whirlwind barb project diablo 2
However the real utility of this skill comes out when used in conjunction with taunt. Casters have tele, barbs attack while moving just like you,The variances are huge & the chances you get against them are minimal, Range allows more tries, therefore giving more chances. This guide is intended to teach all those who need to know the basics,workings,choices,tricks & how amazingly complex yet simple & effective a whirlwind barb is. So it is still very much dependant on your gear & base stats. Berserker: Main skill is Berserk. It is the precise reason why whirlwind demands wias & range so much. PVM: The more hits you land the more damage you deal, the more damage you deal,the more you kill & the more life & mana you leech, the more life & mana you leech, the longer you can fight,to land more hits. You won’t however see a 2handed weapon being rated against 1handers. I play as a Whirlwind-Barb. Damage is the most important criteria & leech comes next. -Diablo 2 Whirwind Barbarian Guide (1.11) -V2.0 (2/27/06) -By IR0NMA1DEN DISCLAIMER: This is property of IR0NMA1DEN (Ben Ferrara). The percentage of life removed depends on the nature of the target: Default: 1/4th -vs. Players: 1/10th -vs. Hirelings: 1/10th -vs. You might have seen a preview of it in the Guidance systems. Project Diablo 2 has made some significant changes to the runewords and items available in Diablo 2. We’re around lv55 and I can’t solo anything with more than 3 people in the game. Half the battle is won & lost between defense & ar as factors.So find some high defense plates & make them pay. You can get by without it. The answer is,it depends. How one should perceive this stat depends heavily on his specialization. Barbarians wielding weapons with slow Whirlwind speeds should try and keep their whirls very short, so as to take full advantage of the 4th and 8th frame "free" hits. Whirlwind is a premeditated attack, you know where you will stop, but you can’t bet your tail on whether you’ll make it there in your current condition. This is a slight disadvantage for whirlwind.Since the faster you move while in whirl,the faster the targets get out of range,thereby giving less time for attacks. WW doesn’t provide high ar boost % in comparison to other skills. PVM: 1 point ,~5 if untwinked. Any decent polearm/spear with damage & leech,a high defense armor, helmet with resists or dr,can keep him alive. The skills are grouped into three categories: Combat Skills include abilities that you actively use during combat, Combat Masteries are permanent bonuses both offensive and defensive, Warcries are temporary buffs for the barbarian and the party and debuffs for enemies. So dont race him to them & throw the kitchensink at it. But I am not ritch and … In other words: It is the time you have, while in whirlwind-, to get your attacks off on the target, since it will get out of range sooner or later, due to your dynamic attack. I remember potions being disabled during it from bnet. So having a high defense is a great advantage in general whirlwind use. ———————————————————————————————————————————. These are all the words one can think of that often get associated with the skill. Think of them as upping the air intake after installing a turbo kit. Info Diablo 2 Builds Barbarian Builds Barbarian Builds. So vitality should be the favourite for most builds. PVM: They hit a lot more often now, especially in late acts, you’ll find a tough challenge against frenzy minos & other melee types. You abolutely must use this in endgame battles with frenzy minos, lister & co, regardless of your build.A great utility for titans for the damage reduction it gives,making fights against powerful & hardy foes easier & safer. Check out the strategy section in PVM for more info on that. The ‘base defense pool’ is then enriched by Shout, iron skin & defiance (if using defiance merc-not recommended) with their combined total percentage, all in one step. Reduces the defense of the target that is being attacked, by a certain percentage. Now: 1handed lwbp weapons that do decent damage are generally more expensive & hard to find than the 2handers. Maybe I just haven't played d2 in a long time but it just doesn't feel smooth. Champions, Uniques, Bosses: 1/8th. Whirl speed is now based on your final runwalk speed,which takes into account faster run walk% from items & skill including the heavy armor/shield factor. These are all the words one can think of that often get associated with the skill. You won’t see comparison of dualwielding/2handed/weapon shield since they are in a class of their own. It’s what makes whirlwind so special & unique, compared to other attacks. Wias/bp only effects the value of check frequency, no other factor is involved in deciding how often a weapon checks for target(s).The other factors have to do with the duration of checks, we’ll explore them later.Also see differentiation of checks,attack,hits now. 2handers can take a different toute,since their higher damage makes strength attractive. However one must note that the defense reduction% works in the same way as the eth rune against enemies with enhanced defense.The reduction is on the enhanced defense% the enemy has(if any) & not the total final defense number.The reduction is straight on generic defense enemies just like eth rune. Total Damage: Takes weapon damage & boosts it by ed% from skill, strength multiplier, ed% off weapon, ed% to x monsters & adds elemental damage. Project Diablo 2 is a mod for and by passionate Diablo 2 fans. Historically wolf barb was a front-line tank with a huge health pool, a relatively quick 2 handed weapon, and a very easy to get 4 frames faster hit recovery breakpoint (42). An upgraded shaftstop or leviathan should work well. Remember it’s a game. So when you have just tackled a large pack & there are few left standing, he’ll gladly go after them & clean up your job. You’ll be in midst of packs, elemental enchanted monsters & what not. However, iron skin is the best candidate for placing all your left over points after the big four you must max: WW, Mastery, BO & Shout.Hence WMBS. With the splash dmg it made it so fun to play through normal. However + to life items like charms also does the trick. Whirlwind doesn't feel good to use. Tornadoes would ravage their plains as summer turned to the harvest season. Using low range weapons will significantly reduce the two variables of Attack radius & Attack duration. I am talking-love here. The net chance to score double damage isn’t therefore critical strike + deadly strike e.g. Not sure what's up with that. 1 INTRO: 2 OBJECTIVE & TERMINOLOGY: 3 Basics; INTRO: Whirlwind- fun, passion, debate, misconceptions, nerfdom. Final Defense of x player/non normal monster: 5000 Reduced defense from eth rune in weapon: 5000*(-12.5%) = 5000*(-12.5%) = 4375. ——————————————————————————————————————————-. PVP environment is extreme. To elaborate-the higher damage of certain nonlwbp weapons doesnt quite pay off,lwbp weapons will grant you more hits & they endup doing more damage over time due to the higher frequency,which is quite important in pvm now. Note you’ll still take damage, but some of it will be healed, which is the same as taking less damage. PVM: 1 point & some minimum + to skills is enough for any situation PVP: 1 point as a prequisite only, other players dont flee but summons do-so you can use it against minion stackers, but dont place more than 1. This is one thing barbs don’t get from any skill. One must note that ar and ar% bonus you get on combat skills & gear is different. Applications: PVP: Imperative,Can make the difference between winning & loosing, 60% defense & 18% life is a significnt number for the barb class. Cannot be frozen mod, doesnt blue/slow you when hit with cold damage, found as mod on items like raven frost or on the cham rune. Application: Varies – check builds section. The ultimate safety skill,but unfortunately is of limited use to a ww barb due to the low radius of the cry & the nature of ww. AR: 17000 – Attacker’s Attack rating DR: 24000 – Defender’s Defend rating ALVL:82 – Attacker level DLVL: 92 – Defender level, =100*17000/(17000+24000) =1700000/41000 =41.46341(a). This is a must have for ww barbs.What it does is, remove the speed breakers when ww barbs hit areas with lots of unleechables. Remember-using shield means a compromise on payload=>damage. These properties are distinct, their categories are distinct. Self explanatory. I'd like to know what, in your opinion, would be the best weapon for PvM and killing ubers, and which doesn't cost too much (
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