45 colt rifle hunting loads
SAAMI pressures for STANDARD.45 Colt is 14,000 PSI MAXIMUM, but for Ruger Blackhawk and T/C, levels in the 20,000 to 25,000 range are considered more the norm. It took over a century, however it finally happened. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, State Agency: You'll find rifle data for the .357 Magnum operating at 35,000 psi - with velocities around 1800 fps for 158 gr bullets and 2200 fps for 125 gr bullets in 20" barrels. State Agency: Because this bullet is gas checked and properly lubed, it will NOT lead foul barrels. Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, State Agency: New Hampshire Fish & Game Department, State Agency: Last year, I decided to work up a load and use the.45 Colt CCH to hunt with here in Kentucky. Powders include Never recovered a single 260 gr slug. Idaho Department of Fish & Game, State Agency: Developed as a joint venture between Colt Firearms and the Union Metallic Cartridge Company, the .45 Colt was introduced in the Colt Single Action Armywhich would be known as the Peacemaker of Western fame. With pistol calibers in rifles the same powder that works in the pistol usually will work just a well in a rifle. Now shooters could have a rifle and revolver chambered in the same centerfire cartridge which was quite a bit more powerful than earlier rimfire cartridges. Hawaii Department of Land & Natural Resources, State Agency: MEDIUM CAST HP-GC @ 1,500 fps 20 Round Box. 2400, sparked by a WLPP. It's chambered in .45 Colt, which I understand is a low-pressure cartridge. Wyoming Game & Fish Department, State Agency: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: The rim was very thin and not much larger in diameter than the base of the case, which meant there was not much for the extractor to grip. North Dakota Game & Fish Department, State Agency: For both of these I go with 7.5 grains of either True Blue or Unique. Rhode Island Department of Fish & Wildlife, State Agency: Something as simple as a Cool Whip container will hold 75 bullets or so. Acme offers the two standard .45 Colt bullets, 255-grain semi-wadcutter and a 250-grain round-nosed flat-point. Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, State Agency: I used to shoot one 45 caliber load for rifle and pistol for many years. Make sure your gun can handle it before you use any of these loads listed below with STARS (*). Dave Even the cowboy 45 Colt loads kill deer easy when you put the bullet in the vitals. The.45 Colt can be loaded down to soft-shooting cowboy loads, or pushed to the limit for heavy hunting applications. But I don't really think a load that heavy is necessary for deer unless you're shooting longrange and I wasn't so... Taken many deer and a cow elk with the humble Lyman Keith 454424 over 20 gr. For both of these I go with 7.5 grains of either True Blue or Unique. In the last quarter of the last century Winchester offered the 16" Model 1894 Trapper chambered in .45 Colt with both case colored and blued receivers. The Keith bullet at 260 grs. Loads For use in the 16″ Winchester 1894 Trapper.45 Colt, I have thus far only used relatively mild loads just to see what can be accomplished. I've shot 3 deer with the RCBS 255-K (solid and HP) cast of 40/60 lead/wheelweights over 9 gr.s of Unique. have not tested it on Iowa white tail yet though. Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism, State Agency: One of the possibilities is the differences between the .44-40 and .45 Colt. With the new 4" Redhawks, in both .44 Magnum and .45 Colt, we have two great candidates for the coveted title of Perfect Packin' Pistol as well as heavy-duty, close-range hunting sixguns. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, State Agency: Cowboy ammo in the 45 Long Colt just does not have enough power. I now have some bullets to get and powder to burn. The second high pressure Cor-Bon load is uses a 300 grain Jacketed Soft Point bullet at a MV of 1300 fps and ME of 1126 ft. lbs. Muzzle velocities from a pair of Trappers, one with a case-colored frame and the other blue, are right at 960–975 fps with my best results at 30 yards being groups right at 1″. First is a 265 grain Bonded-Core Hollow Point bullet at a muzzle velocity (MV) of 1350 fps and muzzle enerby (ME) of 1073 ft. lbs. It may be over kill, but I think "overkill is under rated". Enter To Win A ADCO BH Best Arms Semi-Auto Shotgun Prize Package! Also, even if standard length cartridges are used exclusively, there are some bullet shapes such as Keith and Keith-style which will not feed and chamber through all .45 Colt leverguns. Today, our selection of .45 Colt lever action rifles and pistols are a favorite among competitive cowboy action shooters, medium and large game hunters, or those who already own a sidearm in the same caliber. Co. Using bullets from . Runs about 975 fps out my 4 3/4 Flattop in the summer, not sure about the winter. In the past I had a good, accurate load with a CP 335 WLNGC in 45 Colt brass with a CCI350 magnum primer and 22 grains W296. BUFFALO BORE'S DEER GRENADE 45 COLT +P is a 260gr. Bisley Model and the Winchester 16" Model 1894 both chambered in .45 Colt. If you can not shoot +P ammo in your handgun, it is not suitable for hunting! I am just getting started making my own PC Bullets using the “shake and bake” method. Okay, we’ll admit it right up front; one day this correspondent is going to retire — but that doesn’t mean I won’t be packing. Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, State Agency: Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, State Agency: However, Uberti also sells this same rifle chambered in .44 Magnum. CAP, 15 grains BD is the load I typically load with the 250s in the 45 Colt. Elmer Keith was way ahead of his time in developing everyday working and hunting loads. Targets shot with powder-coated bullets in Winchester Trapper .45 Colt. West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, State Agency: New Mexico Department of Game & Fish, State Agency: It never happened. Placement of the bullet is a lot more important than having a pile driver. massive hollow nosed, 12 BHN cast bullet with a gas check, traveling at the below velocities out of stock real world, over-the-counter firearms. Now I shoot a 200 grain load in 45 colt brass in rifle and a 160 grain bullet in 45 Cowboy Special Brass in pistols. cast bullet has been a standard for the 45 Colt since about the time Unique was introduced by Laflin & Rand in 1900. 13 grains 4756 gives about the same case expansion in the lever gun, giving lower velocity. Cowboy shooters often load down to 700 fps or so. I think that bullet will shoot through almost anything you care to point it at. We will be looking at all three types of bullets, and herein take a really quick look at the latest rage — powder-coated (PC) bullets. Georgia Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: Colt followed suit and chambered the Single Action Army in these two cartridges. Illustration courtesy of Hornady Mfg. New Jersey Division of Fish & Wildlife, State Agency: I used to kill deer regularly with an old 45 ACP Colt 1911A1 WWII bring back with a cast 200 gr SWC pushed by 7 grs Unique which should have ran around 900ish fps. Henry Big Boy Brass 45 Long Colt for Hunting Deer & Delaying Evil Major Van Harl USAF Ret. That has me wondering if the rifle would be robust enough to handle moderately hotter loads for the .45 Colt. for CAS with good results. The original loading for the 45 Colt was a 250/55 gr lead bullet with 40 grs Black Powder and out of a 7 1/2" barrel would do 900 to 1000 fps and was one if not the most powerful pistol until the mags game along. Indiana Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: … This did not go unnoticed by Colt and by 1878 they were offering the Single Action Army chambered in .44-40. of 2400 is a great place to start on deer size game & as Tank mentioned is a one shot stopper on elk with good placement. More modern versions of the 1892 and 1894 Winchesters as well as the Marlins and Henry Big Boy will handle heavier loads than the original Winchesters. Minnesota Deptartment of Natural Resources, State Agency: Next, the bullets are dumped into a colander so the excess paint can be shaken off, placed on aluminum foil and baked at 400 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes. Briefly, the Cor-Bon ".45 Colt Magnum +P" loads are as follows (Cor-Bon figures). For this method a plastic container (which will create static electricity) is needed to bond the paint to the cast bullets. Heck, you can even get a lever gun in .45 Colt and use the same rounds in your belt gun. Sign-up now to to keep your GUNS Magazine content coming every week — no matter what! Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, State Agency: This design results in a cartridge which feeds through the action of a levergun much easier and smoother than a straight-wall cartridge such as the .45 Colt. I've found what looks like a nice deal on an Uberti 1873 replica. Now you would think Winchester would reciprocate and chamber the model 1873 in .45 Colt. California Department of Fish & Wildlife, State Agency: Next we will be looking at both cast bullets and jacketed bullets in the Marlin and Winchester leverguns — stay tuned. There are a wide range of bullet styles and weights available for the cartridge, it’s a delight for any reloader. Starting with the Model 1873, Winchester used a cartridge that was basically sixgun length — the .44 WCF (Winchester Center Fire), or as it is mostly known today the .44-40. I have found loads for Unique and Red Dot. I have also had access to a homebrewed 272-grain Powder Coated Hollow Point which shoots exceptionally well using 7.5 grains of Unique for right at the same muzzle velocity and very close to 1″ groups from both leverguns. I dumped a 200lb hog with a 300g Speer jsp over 23g of W296 out of my 7.5" Bisley .45 colt. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks, State Agency: Michigan Deptartment of Natural Resources, State Agency: Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, State Agency: Lyman shows 9 for the Colt and 8 for Rugers and they aren't scratching the surface. If they size hard, simply spraying them with Hornady One Shot Case Lube will prevent sticking in the sizing die. Why did it take so long? Kieth bullets, but loading data for this weight is a little thin on the ground. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, State Agency: They should be sized as soon as they are cool because they will age-harden in a few days, making them harder to size. From my 7.5" Bisley I get and average of 1233 fps. what are your favorite 45 colt loads and bullets for hunting? my most accurate load out of all jacketed and cast bullet loads for my stainless bisley .45 colt is a speer deep curl 300 grain (.454) with a moderate charge of h-110 (would have to look at notes for exact load). Not actually for hunting, just as a companion sidearm while hunting. Lyman has a 255 grain .45 Colt gas-checked bullet, #454490GC, that was designed by Ray Thompson who also brought forth the .357 Magnum #358156GC and the .44 Magnum #431244GC. next week i'll have one of the new super Blackhawks in 454casull/45colt (I will just be shooting 45colt) and would like some good accurate loads for deer and hogs. My wife loads it to 7.0 gr. feel free to post up buffalo and elephant loads too. Almost any length of .45 Colt cartridge will feed and chamber in a Winchester Model 1894, while the others require shorter cartridges. Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, State Agency: .45 Colt Rifle Data (Lyman Reloading Handbook 49th Edition) reloading data with 0 loads. The original conical bullet found in black powder 45 Colt loads from the 1870s is very close to the Lyman #454190 and the RCBS #45-255 FN. Here are some of the bullet shapes and styles that can be powder coated at home. Although developed primarily as a revolver cartridge in 1873, the .45 Colt became popular in rifles, especially lever-action rifles. Alaska Department of Fish & Game, State Agency: Alabama Department of Conservation & Natural Resources. Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, State Agency: The.45s are a very versatile group of cartridges, ranging from the.45 Colt on the bottom end up to the high-velocity champ, the.460 S&W Magnum, at the top end. I have considerable experience over the past 40 years with all action styles and lengths of .45 leverguns and have loaded dummy cartridges from 200-grain to 340-grain weights — and more — and use these dummies to make a GO/NO GO chart which tells me exactly which loads will work through which action. From soft shooting cowboy action loads to “spicier” hunting loads, .45 Colt is the very definition of being a versatile cartridge. Illinois Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: Copies of the original three Winchesters are basically for standard loads only. Click here to remove banner ads from this forum. A look at today’s .45 Colt brass shows a thicker rim and also a moat-like recess cut around the base of the cartridge case, in front of the rim, which helps to give more area for the extractor to grasp. Before choosing a .45 Colt levergun, it is necessary to decide just what one expects from the choice. of Unique and either the 250 or 255 gr. what are your favorite 45 colt loads and bullets for hunting? Then they moved the targets in closer and I felt that I was losing a second or so per stage to guys shooting 38 pistols that I used to be pretty even with. I have more guns then I need but not as many as I want...... thank you all very much! Nevada Department of Wildlife, State Agency: It was basically the same length as the .45 Colt. An accurate cartridge, the.45 Colt loaded with good 250-grain bullets is no slouch on big game. The Colt did the job quite well; I took a doe at about 60 yards, and this buck at about 30. The Marlins and the 1892 replicas are quite picky about cartridge length. Many of the commercial bullet companies are now offering PC bullets and mold makers are offering PC molds with no lube grooves. Winchester also soon offered the Model 1873 in two other new cartridges, the .38-40 and .32-20. If you can't find loads for 255 gr. I normally load something like these were shot with.....250 gr. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, State Agency: The former is a tapered cartridge, meaning it’s almost a .45 necked down to .44. Given the larger case head of the .45 Colt, 23,000 psi Tier 2 .45 Colt loads would not be healthy for an 1873 and 32,000 psi Tier 3 loads would probably break one in a hurry. 45 COLT +P DEER GRENADE 260 gr. Iowa Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: Missouri Deptartment of Conservation, State Agency: Suitable bullets should be flat nose solids, not hollow points. Another thing to consider is whether one will be shooting mostly jacketed bullets or cast bullets, or even the relatively new powder-coated bullets. A 280gr. I have a couple boxes that I've been holding onto in case I wanted to take … it cuts 1 inch groups at 25 yards. It seems to me the answer is a case full or very slightly less of 4227 or 680 for the lever guns. Lower pressure leads … Add paint powder like Harbor Freight Red or Black and then shake. I run 8.5grs up to 10grs Unique over a 255-260gr cast for 98% of my hunting. The property I hunt on is hilly and wooded, and nearly all shots are 100 yards or less. For use in the 16″ Winchester 1894 Trapper .45 Colt, I have thus far only used relatively mild loads just to see what can be accomplished. For an all day target plinking load I use 7.5-8.5gr of Unique. The shot was 70-75 yards, it went all stiff legged and fell over. Trade your Taurus in on a Ruger! Maryland Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: I don't worry as much as some people about having hard, heavy bullets with a maximum velocity. The accompanying data containing the 255-grain Hornady lead FP is primarily for cowboy loads. Probably the best source for information about what ammo can be fired in what gun is to look at the warnings on the ammunition boxes from ammunition manufactures. Standard pressure.45 Colt loads should generate no more than an average of 14,000 CUP +P.45 Colt loads can be loaded to pressures as high as 25,000 CUP. Wisconsin –-(Ammoland.com)- I was trying to pass a brand-x lever action rifle on to the daughter. Mississippi Deptartment of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks, State Agency: The .45 Colt and single-action revolver are a powerful and useful combination. Arizona Game & Fish Department, State Agency: Another problem was the design of the .45 Colt cartridge itself. My personal favorite is the smallest and lowest pressure producer, the.45 Colt. after seeing a really big buck the other day I got the sudden urge to start hunting more often with a revolver. Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Rhode Island Department of Fish & Wildlife, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Mississippi Deptartment of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks, Minnesota Deptartment of Natural Resources, Michigan Deptartment of Natural Resources, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources, Hawaii Department of Land & Natural Resources, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, Alabama Department of Conservation & Natural Resources. Please Login or Register. Enjoy! Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources, State Agency: Finally this last load is only to be used in the Ruger .45 Colt Bisley or Freedom Arms or custom five-shot .45 Colt sixguns. H110 is a good max pressure powder for the 45 Colt. or the Miha bullet, a bit heavier with 18.5-20 grs. They work really well on any size feral dogs or good sized ‘yotes. Purchase A PDF Download Of The GUNS Magazine January 2021 Issue Now! It accurate and very soft shooting. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, State Agency: Solids go clean through leaving a good size hole and HP's usually end up under the hide on the off side. Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, State Agency: His 45 Colt bullet was #454424 and was available for decades from Lyman. Buffalo Bore makes some really good.45LC loads for hunting and then there are the Hornady LEVERevolution 225 grain FTX.45LC's that are designed just for that purpose. The first Winchester lever-action rifle — Model 1866 — used the rimfire .44 Henry round. By Dave Thornblom. New York Department of Environmental Conservation, State Agency: I have fired .45 Colt loads with a 165-grain bullet at 650 fps. Caliber/Gauge: 45 Long Colt Select A Product Type Handguns (361) -Derringer -Pistols -Unknown Handgun Long Guns (129) Reset Selection for Calibers 45 Long Colt (490) Cool and size as normal cast bullets. The shot was quartering away and the bullet went in behind the left shoulder and out behind the right ear. For the lever guns only, and not for light cowboy pistols. 8 grs. KT, SWC, you need more loading manuals. next week i'll have one of the new super Blackhawks in 454casull/45colt (I will just be shooting 45colt) and would like some good accurate loads for deer and hogs. One also has to decide whether loads will use longer, heavier bullets or be confined to standard length cartridges. after seeing a really big buck the other day I got the sudden urge to start hunting more often with a revolver. Gun Review: Rossi R92 .45 Colt Rifle The Rossi R92 is capable of handling any sane loads and weighs only 4.8 pounds when empty 4 of 5 Gun Review: Rossi R92 .45 Colt Rifle For smaller pests, CCI offers shotshell rounds in several loadings, including (from left to right) .38 Special, .44 Special and .45 Colt. I found some nice 270gr. Why not? Welcome Guest. Delaware Division of Fish & Wildlife, State Agency: As an example, the .45 Colt with a 250-grain bullet at 800 fps will kick more than a .38 Special with a 158-grain bullet at 800 fps. Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, State Agency: A somewhat modern version of the sixgun/levergun combination is the Ruger Use top 45 Colt loads for hunting and such, but lesser loads for fun, small game, pests, and varmints. The 45 Colt is very versatile and you will find it to be extremely shooter friendly. The Red Dot load may not be quite up to the task, but there seems to be some disagreement as to a Unique load. That makes it a great backup gun in the woods and/or handgun hunting round. Pennsylvania Game Commission, State Agency: Acme offers the two standard.45 Colt bullets, 255-grain semi-wadcutter and a 250-grain round-nosed flat-point. In other words, it pays to know exactly which loads will be used before choosing a .45 Colt rifle. Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, State Agency: ITEM 3K. In 1875, it became the standard issue for the U.S. Army, and remained so until replaced by the .38 Long Colt in 1892, though it wouldnt be long until the Army adopted yet another .45 caliber pistol cartridge, but you know all a… Syntech’s 230-grain .45 ACP lipstick bullets also work well, giving the same muzzle velocity range when loaded over 7.0 grains of Green Dot. The levergun that never was, is. I occasionally take out a Rossi I have in .45 Colt. Note that the "Ruger New Vaquero" uses a smaller frame and cylinder like original Colts. Although Mr. John Linebaugh is partial to WW-296 and H-110 for upscale loads in the .45 Colt revolvers, I think a somewhat slower burning powder that has a wider workable pressure range would be more accurate and would produce better results in rifle length barrels. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, State Agency:
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